Tweet47ShareShare653 Shares Where do you put your stuff? Is it organized? Or are piles your main method of organization? How do you keep your stuff organized?
Time Management
10 Things Wrong With Your New Year’s Resolutions
Tweet82ShareShare1597 Shares This post isn’t meant to be a de-motivator as much as a reality check. New Year’s Resolutions don’t get much respect these days. It seems that most of them are toast before the toasting of the New Year is over. 88% of them are gone with two months. However, it’s not the resolutions […]
When You Can’t Get Anything Done… Do One Thing.
Tweet224ShareShare87311 Shares Sometimes you don’t feel like doing anything. When you find yourself not in the zone… what do you do? How do you get things done when you don’t feel like doing anything?
12 Apps To Effortlessly Keep Your Life In Sync
Tweet153ShareShare60213 Shares It seems that our information is spread across an ever-expanding number of devices. From computers to smartphones to tablets, home to work, and more. How do you keep your information organized and in sync? Today, I want to share 12 apps that effortlessly keep me in sync no matter where I am.
Should You Be Afraid of What’s Hiding In Your Email?
Tweet58ShareShare1270 Shares Do you avoiding looking at your email? Do you let it pile up until you never see the bottom of your inbox? Emptying your inbox is an important task that helps you avoid missing important items. Do you know what is lurking in your inbox?
12-12-12: Are You Ready to Kickstart Your Year?
Tweet13ShareShare13 Shares Today is 12-12-12. It sounds like a special day, and it is. As much as I have been talking about it, Kickstart the Year launches today.
21 Ways to Make Lightning Strike
Tweet67ShareShare2895 Shares How do you make lightning strike? How do you succeed where others have failed before you? How do you make magic happen when others are giving up? I believe that you can make lightning strike in your life and career.
10 Big Goals to Kickstart Your Life
Tweet106ShareShare10116 Shares What has been on your goal list? Have you been talking about a goal for years, but have never started it? If not now, when are you going to accomplish your big goal?
10 Reasons You Should Stop Checking the News
Tweet7ShareShare6269 Shares We have become a news addicted society. Doubt it? How many times did you read the news so far today? How many more times will you check it before bedtime?
What Are You Absolutely Positively Going to Do Today?
Tweet100ShareShare61161 Shares You have something that needs to get done today. It is really important. Yet, you will probably not get to it today. Or even tomorrow. Why do those important tasks seem to slip by? What will it take to absolutely positively get it done today?