Tweet129ShareShare51180 SharesWe often create more work for ourselves. We leave things out, instead of putting them away. We leave a task almost done, but not completely finished. Or we procrastinate on a something until we have to research the original deatils of the task needed to be performed. Yet, doing things right the first time… […]
5 Tips to Stop Putting Off Your Goals Until Later
Tweet90ShareShare48138 Shares This is a guest post by Melissa Chu, founder of Jump Start Your Dream Life, where she helps people find time to do what they love and create an impact through their work. You can get the guide that shows you how to get started on your goals today. You look at others […]
10 Tips for Starting a New Goal
Tweet91ShareShare77168 SharesYou have a big idea. We all do. You have thought about it for a long time. Yet, you can’t get started. Or you tried and your efforts flamed out quickly. Why is it so hard to do something new?
8 Elements Every Leader Needs to Optimize Team Efficiency
Tweet117ShareShare96213 Shares This is a guest post by “Captain D.” At eighteen, when most young lads were fighting angry professors in college, Captain D was fighting the waves of the roaring North Atlantic. Learn more about his eventful life journey at his blog The Soul Creator, which details specific workable strategies to be a winner […]
Some Tasks Are Better Deleted Than Completed
Tweet123ShareShare86209 Shares Some days it seems that your todo list is endless. You wonder if you will ever get to all of your work. The simple truth is that you can’t do it all. It’s simply not possible. The good news is that you shouldn’t try to do everything on your list. Many of the […]
7 Tips to Avoid Scheduling Yourself for a Hectic Day
Tweet120ShareShare123243 Shares If you have ever found yourself late to the airport, or rushing across town (or just across your office building) to a meeting, you know what it feels like to be in a rush. It’s not fun when you have to hurry. Stress. Sweat. Unneeded exertion. Yet, if you step back and look […]
10 Productive Tasks You Can Do on Your Phone
Tweet243ShareShare335578 Shares When you have a moment of downtime, what is the first thing you do? If you are like everyone else, without thinking, you reflexively pull out your phone. However, the more important question is, “What are you doing on your phone when you turn it on?”
5 Tips for Capturing Your Brain’s Best Ideas
Tweet202ShareShare166368 Shares You often come up with your best ideas when you aren’t thinking about it. The trick is to make sure you capture these movements of brilliance. When do you come up with your best ideas?
21 Things You Have Been Putting Off Forever
Tweet123ShareShare112235 SharesThere are some things that never seem to get done. Maybe it’s the laundry. Or washing the family pet. Or cleaning out the garage. Does your “Someday-Maybe” list seem longer than your regular todo list? When will you get to all those things you have been putting off forever?
5 Little Things You Can Do to Be More Productive
Tweet106ShareShare145251 SharesIt’s not always the big things that impact your productivity. In fact, when it comes to time management, it is often the little things you do. Today, I have 5 small things you can do to get more done with less effort.