Tweet201ShareShare22223 Shares What did you do today to move closer to your goals? Whether it is that promotion at work? Or to get in shape? Or to finish that home improvement project? Big goals are very rarely accomplished in one effort. It takes lots of small steps to reach them. So, what is your “one […]
Time Management
Why Can’t You Take a Day Off?
Tweet1ShareShare1516 Shares I have heard it before, “I can’t take a day off from work…” Why not? The excuses start flying… “I am so far behind on my work.” “Because they need me there.” “I am the only one who can do…” “I will never catch up if I miss a day.” What other excuses […]
What Do You Need To Give Up?
Tweet29ShareShare231 Shares Friday is usually a good day to reflect on the week. Today’s thought is about lightening your load a bit. Sometimes we take on more than we should… to the point that our load is a bit too heavy to carry day-to-day. When this happens, it is necessary to offload some of our […]
Do It Right the First Time & Do It With Class
Tweet27ShareShare3562 Shares One of the first leaders I learned from was the Captain of my first ship when I was a young Naval Officer. One of his catch phrases was, “Do it right the first time, and do it with class.” These are powerful words. Have you ever done a task, but you didn’t give […]
Don’t Knock Twice: TMN’s 8 Rules of Communication
Tweet69ShareShare877 Shares You are sitting in at your desk. Perhaps, you are meeting with someone or working on an important project. Your desk phone rings and you do not answer because you are busy. What happens next? 10 seconds later, you cell phone rings. You silence that, too. Finally, you get a text message, “Are […]
What Could You Do In a Year?
Tweet26ShareShare329 Shares Today is an anniversary. Sort of. One year ago today was the first blog post I wrote online about TMN. It wasn’t much. Just a few quick thoughts. (You can see it here.) But, it was the start. It was action. And it got me going. Often we talk about what we can get […]
Can You Name 10 Things in Your Wallet?
TweetShareShare0 Shares Pop quiz: Can you name 10 things that are in your wallet or purse? Now, if you lost your wallet or purse, would you be able to replace what was in there? Most people would have a real bad day. In fact, I almost had one the other day. I was on vacation […]
6 Tips To Free Yourself From Your Technology Leash
Tweet48ShareShare250 Shares Do you answer your cell phone anytime, anywhere? No matter what you are doing? Do you check email at night before going to bed? How about on weekends? When some sends you a text message, do you drop whatever you are doing and respond? Is your technology a tool that gives you more […]
Tomorrow is Always Tomorrow
Tweet175ShareShare19194 Shares “I’ll do it tomorrow.” Famous last words of the procrastinator. Slogan of tasks that don’t get done. Motto of underachievers. The problem is, the last time I looked, tomorrow was still tomorrow. In fact, tomorrow is always tomorrow.
10 “Minute” Tips to Gain More Hours
Tweet176ShareShare5181 Shares The following guest post comes from Jon Tse, of How many times have you wished that you had just one more hour in a day to play video games, finish a project, or pursue a hobby? We all have tasks that need to be done every day, and only in our spare […]