Tweet88ShareShare29117 Shares Today is the day before a holiday weekend for many here in the U.S. You may find yourself hurrying to get out of the office. (Or out-of-town…) However, I urge you to take a moment to finish up your work before you leave. A little effort now will pay off big time upon your return. […]
Time Management
Are You Halfway to Your Goals?
Tweet43ShareShare245 Shares What did you set out to accomplish this year? I ask today, because the year is now half over. Are your annual goals half done? Are you halfway to where you wanted to be this year?
5 Ways to Not Lose Your Sunglasses
Tweet80ShareShare1595 Shares Do you lose sunglasses? I used to misplace (translation: lose) several pairs a year. When did you lose your last pair?
Why You Need to Make a No List
Tweet54ShareShare1569 Shares We often say Yes to things that we shouldn’t. We take on tasks that aren’t our responsibility. Even tasks that prevent us from getting our own work done. Sometimes, we are aware that we shouldn’t say Yes, but we do anyway. What should you be saying No to?
Prevent Small Things From Being Big Distractions
TweetShareShare1919 Shares We all have little things that interrupt our ability to get things done. Interruptions. Small undone tasks. Misplaced items. What are the little things that are affecting your productivity?
5 Reasons You Should Take a Break Today
Tweet134ShareShare33167 Shares I like to take breaks throughout the day. I break up my work sessions into several timeframes. It helps me maintain a high level of productivity. Do you keep your nose to the grindstone all day long? Today, I want you to take a break…
How to Stop Your Phone From Interrupting Your Life
Tweet76ShareShare2399 Shares We have let our phones take over. We carry them everywhere. We let they interrupt our lives at any moment. Do you let your phone rule your life?
Are You Ignoring Life’s Warning Signs?
Tweet61ShareShare2081 Shares As we go through our busy day, it can be easy to ignore the things going around us. While we try to tune out interruptions, some of the information that life presents us with is important. Are you listening to what life is trying to tell you? Or are you ignoring life’s warning signs?
The Top 10 Bad Emails Being Sent At Your Company
Tweet75ShareShare53128 Shares Bad emails, we all get them. Ironically, spam notwithstanding, most of the bad emails we get are from our own employees and peers. After all these years, it seems that we still haven’t mastered email.
10 Habits to Make Your Travel Less Stressful
Tweet9ShareShare3645 Shares For many people, travel invokes thoughts of long wasted periods of time, listless waits on planes, traffic, and worse. Yet, much of this hassle and stress is avoidable. What steps do you take to ensure that your trip is friction-free and enjoyable?