Tweet187ShareShare192379 Shares Disorganized people leave a wake of non-productivity in their path. They impact not only themselves, but entire teams around them. And yet, disorganized individuals love to deny their disorganization. They will say almost anything to cover their lack of getting things done.
Time Management
Are You Wasting Your Life by Not Making Decisions?
Tweet82ShareShare59141 Shares Some people spend their entire lives waiting to make decisions. They let days pass by. They miss opportunities. And yet, they continue to wait. They go through life hesitating to take any action. What decision have you been putting off?
13 Things Your Unproductive Boss Won’t Tell You
Tweet80ShareShare97177 Shares Interruptions, workplaces distractions, and last-minute fire drills. You do your best to avoid them and stay productive. Non-productive team members impact everyone’s ability to get work done. However, this impact is far greater when the team leader is the source of disruption. What happens when it’s the boss that’s unproductive?
Losing? 9 Ways to Change Your Game
Tweet67ShareShare2087 Shares Losing doesn’t mean that you are a failure. It may mean that you are not getting the results that you want. Or that you need to get back up and try again. If you’re not winning, it’s time to change your game.
Doing Something Every Day Is Hard
Tweet71ShareShare39110 Shares You tell yourself that you are going to do something every day. Maybe it is to eat healthier. Or exercise. Or spend time with your friends or family. Or to write your book or blog. Yet, keeping those promises is difficult. In fact, doing something every day is hard. What does it take […]
You’ll Regret Not Capturing These 10 Pieces of Information
Tweet74ShareShare39113 Shares When you need a piece of information, is it at your fingertips? Or are you constantly chasing your info like papers in the wind? It is important to capture those finer details now, so that you will have them later. What information are you not capturing that you will need in the future?
How to Keep Your Inbox Empty: 7 Simple Email Tactics
Tweet179ShareShare129308 Shares The mythical empty inbox. Also known as inbox zero. For many, it is as imaginary as the unicorn. Often talked about, but never really seen. What would it take to get your inbox to empty?
If You Never Ship, Your Work is Wasted
Tweet100ShareShare13113 Shares Have you ever worked hard on a task or project only to leave it almost done? You had the best intentions when you started, but you just didn’t finish. Maybe you ran out of gas. Maybe you were nervous of finishing. However, all of your hard work is lost… if you never actually […]
7 Ways Social Media Can Make You More Productive
Tweet205ShareShare55260 Shares Social media can be a large time-waster. Many people spend much of their day tweeting, liking, and posting status updates. It has forever changed the way the world communicates. Yet, as much as it can waste time, it can also be a great productivity booster. Are you using social media for productivity or […]
10 Ways to Make Some Motivation Today
Tweet130ShareShare88218 Shares Do you need some motivation today? Maybe a gentle nudge towards action? Or perhaps a swift kick to get you moving?