Tweet92ShareShare73165 Shares The other day someone asked me when I have time to do all the writing and website work that I do. I told them that I do my writing every day from 4AM–6AM. They told me, “That’s crazy! I would never do that.” Maybe they wouldn’t… but I would. Is that crazy… or just […]
Time Management
What Your Car’s Cleanliness Says About Your Personal Organization
Tweet90ShareShare54144 Shares When asked about personal organization and cleanliness, most people start talking about their home, their office, or maybe their desk. However, there is another area of organization that most people don’t like to talk about. Today, I want to talk about your car.
Busy Bee Syndrome – When Companies Mistake Busyness with Productivity
Tweet149ShareShare156305 Shares Productivity is an elusive quality for many companies. Ironically, the more a company pursues productivity, the more it seems to slip through its fingers. Additional resources end up clogging up the works. More rules, structure, and process create unneeded delays and bureaucracy. When activity does occur, companies tend to recognize busyness instead of progress. Does your […]
Do You Have a Plan for Today?
Tweet110ShareShare56166 Shares You say you have big plans. Big plans for this year. Even bigger plans for the summer. Maybe even for next weekend. However, what is your plan for today? You may have great ideas for tomorrow, but first you are going to have to successfully get through this day.
5 Ways to Reclaim Your Friday Productivity
Tweet188ShareShare204392 Shares Fridays can be tough. In many workplaces, they are written off as non-productive days. This seems to happen even more during the summertime when people are taking time-off or vacation. Yet, Fridays don’t have to be a wash when it comes to getting work done. With some planning and discipline you can reclaim your […]
Do You Know Where Your Productivity Is Taking You?
Tweet94ShareShare92186 Shares In your quest to be more productive, you push yourself to get more done. More tasks. More work. But, is all of that work actually taking you where you want to go? Or are you so busy that you don’t know which direction your productivity is taking you?
Less Hurry, Less Stress, More Time
Tweet12ShareShare5062 Shares Yesterday, I left for the airport 30 minutes late. That one statement probably stresses many people out. Thoughts of fighting traffic, hunting for a parking spot, scrambling through security, and sprinting to the gate. Nervous? Yet, that is not what happened. In fact, it was a leisurely walk to the departure gate. If […]
If It’s Not on Your List… Don’t Do It!
Tweet3ShareShare9396 Shares It happens to all of us. You’re hard at work doing an important task. Then, several minutes later you “wake up” to find yourself doing some meaningless item that popped up. Your important work has been pushed to the side and you’re not sure when you will get back to it. In fact, thirteen […]
7 Reasons Your Day Planner (or Smartphone) is Empty
Tweet3ShareShare3235 Shares Is your calendar clear? Is your todo list blank? Is your address book empty? Your time management tools can’t help you if they are blank. When you go looking for information in your Day Planner, iPhone, and Moleskine… are they empty?
6 Ways to Get Organized for Next Year’s Taxes
Tweet23ShareShare629 Shares Today is tax day in the U.S. I am always amazed at how many people wait until the last possible minute to file. It is estimated that 30% of Americans file their taxes in the last two weeks before the deadline. That is some serious procrastination, which leads to much unneeded stress and […]