TweetShareShare2727 Shares As you probably know, I am a big fan of Apple devices and how they drive my productivity. They are simple. They just work. And they get the job done. So, you might be surprised to hear that I recently traded in my iPad Mini. No reason to panic, it was to upgrade […]
Time Management
5 Signs Your Goals Are Just Tasks in Disguise
Tweet158ShareShare100258 Shares This is a guest post by Kelly Combs. Kelly is Craig’s virtual assistant, and she doesn’t just proof Craig’s posts. Sometimes, like today, she writes them. She is a member of the eaHelp team. Remember when you were a kid and someone would ask you what you wanted to be when you grew […]
Being Late Isn’t an Excuse, It’s a Choice
Tweet246ShareShare409655 Shares Are you always running late to your next meeting? Rushing (even running) from one appointment to the next? You say you aren’t going to be late again. Yet, you repeat the same behavior over and over. Being late isn’t an excuse, it’s a choice you are making.
10 Productivity Questions to Ask Yourself Every Day
Tweet460ShareShare399859 Shares “Today is going to be a productive day.” That’s what you tell yourself as you get out of bed in the morning. However, before you know it, you are 15 minutes late leaving the house for work. You arrive having missed the beginning of your first appointment. Then, you realize that you forgot […]
9 Tips to Help You Start the New Year with a Clean Slate
Tweet80ShareShare68148 Shares Today, many people head back to work after the New Year’s holiday. If this is your first day back at work after an extended break, you are probably dreading what you left behind. How many projects are still unfinished? What obligations are awaiting your return? What tasks have you forgotten entirely? Instead of worrying […]
10 Tips to Make Your Work Day Easier
Tweet2ShareShare196198 Shares This is a guest post by Swati Srivastava, an avid writer who loves to pen down her ideas and professional tips for job search, finding your career goal, and increasing productivity at work. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied […]
The Top 10 TMN Posts of 2014
Tweet36ShareShare4379 Shares As the year comes to the end, it’s time to look back at the best TMN posts of 2014. I have blogged for over 5 years now, and it is always interesting to look back and see which posts gained the biggest traction. Ironically, the ones that you “think” are going to be […]
3 Powerful Time Management Strategies
Tweet111ShareShare69180 Shares This is a guest post by Bryan Collins. Bryan is on a mission to teach people how to become writers and finish what they started with A Handbook for the Productive Writer. Would you like to earn more or less for the time you spend working? For several years, I was a freelance […]
How Long Does It Really Take You to Get to Work?
Tweet47ShareShare2572 Shares This is a guest post by Colter Reed. Colter writes software, and writes about personal growth and productivity on his blog. How long does it take you to get to work in the morning? Got a number in mind? Remember that number. Mine is fifteen. Five + ten. I’m going to put it to […]
Never Ever Send Last Minute Emails
Tweet129ShareShare547676 Shares It is not the instantaneous communication it was once considered. In fact, email is the new snail mail. It is slow. People read it infrequently. And they respond even less. If you want something done quickly don’t send an email.