The Power of Tight Deadlines

Tweet68ShareShare43111 Shares Have you ever noticed how tasks expand to fit their deadline? Whether simple task or complex project, they always seem to finish right before their deadline. They take, well, just as much time as you give them. Expanding Time = Expanding Projects Here is a trick question: “How long will that new 6-month […]

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We All Have Time

Tweet70ShareShare2090 Shares We all have time. Some have more than others. The catch is that you don’t know how much. You may have a week, a month, or even many years to come. But, it doesn’t matter how much time you have. It’s how you choose to use it. I Don’t Have Time People tell […]

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16 Things to Close Your Week

Tweet18ShareShare4967 Shares It’s almost time to close up shop for the weekend. Time to get ready for relaxation and time off. Do you have specific tasks that you do to finish your week, or do you leave in a flurry of disorganization? How do you close up your week? Make a Break For It! Some […]

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Can You Sharpen the Saw Too Much?

Tweet1ShareShare2122 Shares If you know Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits, then you are familiar with “Sharpening the Saw.” Sharpening the saw is about self-renewal. It is about recharging ourselves. Improving ourselves. So that we can continue to perform at our best. However, can you sharpen the saw too much? Too Much Practice, Not Enough Game A friend of […]

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Think Big, Act Big: “Seize the Year!”

TweetShareShare55 Shares The other day I discovered Jesse Phillip’s calendar project on Kickstarter. I liked the idea. Quite a bit, actually. And I immediately thought this was something that many TMN readers would like to see. See, Jesse has a big idea and it involves a big calendar. It is his 2012 “Seize the Year!” calendar. […]

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The Danger of Someday Maybe Lists

Tweet94ShareShare24118 Shares Do you have a Someday Maybe list? Most of us do. However, the problem for most people is that they never get to the items on this list. How many things on your Someday Maybe list have been there for over a month? 3 months? 6 months? A year or more? When is […]

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