Tweet4ShareShare1721 Shares When you get stuck, how do you know what to work on? Do you pick up the nearest task or the one that is knocking on your door? The best thing to do is to turn to your todo list. You are keeping a list, right?
Time Management
Get Rid Of Your Overstuffed Wallet Once and For All
Tweet58ShareShare260 Shares Reality check time. How much stuff is in your wallet, right now? Is it bulging at the seams? Do you even know what is in there? Make today the day you empty out that overstuffed wallet once and for all.
5 Reasons You Should Use Headphones at Work
Tweet178ShareShare159337 Shares Listening to music motivates me. It also drives my work and productivity. Sometimes it makes all the difference between a sluggish day and a highly productive one. My headphones provide me with isolation as well as motivational music. When I really need to get work done, the headphones go on. Do you use headphones at […]
21 Ways to Crush Your Procrastination
Tweet423ShareShare118541 Shares How do you overcome procrastination? We all have rituals, habits, and tricks that we use. Today, I want to give you 21 ways to crush your procrastination.
Why Aren’t You Using What You Already Have?
Tweet40ShareShare1353 Shares Today’s topic is life clutter. Specifically, those things that we have, but we are not utilizing. Ironically, sometimes these items are crucial to our safety and/or well-being. Yet, we let them sit idle hoping that we might use them someday. What do you have that you’re not using? The Unused Helmet I was […]
What Is Your Excuse for Putting Things Off?
Tweet66ShareShare1379 Shares Why do we put things off? You know, the bill that was due last week. The friend you have been meaning to call back for a month. Or even the hobby that you said you were going to start last year. Why do we make excuses and put things off… that we know we […]
7 Ways to Save Time Writing Your Blog Posts
Tweet96ShareShare12108 Shares Today’s topic is for bloggers. Specifically, how to save time writing your blog posts. Also, see the end of the post for a special offer from Chris Brogan.
10 Bad Habits You Need to Break to Be More Productive
Tweet5.01KShareShare2.59K7.60K Shares We all have bad habits that we can admit to. Some of these bad habits keep up from being productive. Others cause us to work harder and impose stress on our lives. To improve our ability to get things done and reduce the effort required, we need to break these habits. What habits […]
How to Tie Up the Loose Ends of Your Productivity
Tweet53ShareShare1770 Shares Loose ends. They hang out. And bother you. They rub you the wrong way. They gnaw on your subconscious and make you feel guilty. Sometimes, you need to address these loose ends so that you can concentrate on the task at hand. What you do you to tie up?
7 Ways to Prevent Computer Problems From Impacting Your Work
Tweet70ShareShare1585 Shares Computers, smartphones, and other tech gadgets are supposed to aid our productivity. However, sometimes they seem to get in the way or cause more issues than they solve. Is your technology helping or hurting your work?