Tweet123ShareShare22145 Shares The other day, I was asked how I have time to blog as much as I do. As I thought about it, I really couldn’t imagine not blogging at this point. Blogging has become a part of my daily life. And in fact, it has made me more productive in everything that I do.
Time Management
You Can’t Go Back… Only Forward.
Tweet70ShareShare2090 Shares Do you ever find yourself looking back? To the way things were? To how you used to be? While you may long for the ways of yesterday, they are just that, yesterday. After all, the past is in the past. You must live in the present.
7 Things to Eliminate to Make Your Fridays More Productive
Tweet295ShareShare380675 Shares Fridays are the least productive day in many offices. People are scrambling to get things down before the weekend. Others are ditching and leaving early or not working at all. However, you don’t have to let it impact your productivity. Let’s reclaim our Fridays.
Where Do You Want to Spend Your Time?
Tweet63ShareShare770 Shares A friend recently told me that he wished he could spend more time with his family. This individual was traveling 3 out of 4 weeks a month for their job. And yet when he was in town, he was working 60+ hours in the office. I told my friend that if he wanted to spend […]
10 Easy Ways to Spot Unnecessary Meetings
Tweet219ShareShare392611 Shares As you start your week, you are probably looking at your calendar. And wow, look at all those meetings. How much of your time is already spoken for this week? Better yet, how much of that time is tied up in meetings that you know aren’t necessary?
Do What 99% of People Will Never Do
Tweet148ShareShare68216 Shares Do you strive to be like everyone else? Do you try to do what everyone else is doing? Let me ask, “How is that working for you?” Here’s a story why being like everyone else isn’t such a great idea.
Why You Aren’t Seeing Results: Nothing In, Nothing Out
Tweet2ShareShare1517 Shares There is a term in computer science called “GIGO.” It stands for “Garbage In = Garbage Out.” At its simplest level, it means that you get out what you put in. I have an alternate phrase that I use for those who are not reaching their goals: Nothing In = Nothing Out. Today, […]
Is Your Bucket Overflowing With Todos, Email, & Meetings?
Tweet95ShareShare29124 Shares As you come into your week, you might find yourself overwhelmed. Too much on your plate. Too much to do. Too much email to catch up on. You find that things are overflowing quickly. How are you going to catch up?
7 Things You Don’t Need to Do Today
Tweet159ShareShare36195 Shares You say that you have too much to do. Yet, many times it is because you have overloaded your plate. Or you spend time on things that are not productive. Today, I am not going to ask you what you need to do. But rather, what you don’t need to do?
If You’re Just Going Through the Motions, You’re Wasting Your Time
Tweet89ShareShare29118 Shares It’s a new week. However, is your life repeating itself? Are you doing the same things that you did last week? Performing the same actions and giving the minimum to get by. After all, you have done all this before.