Tweet10ShareShare5060 Shares Want to lighten your todo load today? I have a simple way to do that: Cross some tasks off your list. Don’t do them. Just cross them off. Before you panic, I’ll bet you have several tasks on your list that shouldn’t be there in the first place.
Time Management
Why We Don’t Get Things Done
Tweet117ShareShare125242 Shares This is a guest post by Lidiya K., a blogger who writes about self-improvement, simplicity and finding a purpose in life at Let’s Reach Success. Being (or not being) productive is one of the many things we stress over. Often at the end of the day we feel exhausted, and unsatisfied with our performance and results, […]
3 Tips to Unwind, Relax, and Enjoy this Holiday Weekend
Tweet1ShareShare3233 Shares We are headed into a long Holiday weekend here in the United States. Many people are taking today off before the 4-day Thanksgiving holiday. (And yes, some people will be working this weekend.) You may have a long list of things you want to do during your time off. Or maybe you have […]
Catching Up Feels Good to Do
TweetShareShare4747 Shares We all have something to catch up on. Perhaps, a task that has been hanging out on your todo list for too long. Or an item that has been on your Someday List forever. What do you need to catch up on?
12 Quick Productivity Pick-Me-Ups
Tweet9ShareShare205214 Shares Ever have one of those days when you just can’t seem to get out of first gear? Your actions seem to being going from slow to slower. Do you need something to pick-up your productivity today? Read on, for “12 Quick Productivity Pick-Me-Ups.”
You’re Not Going Fast Enough to Reach Your Goals
Tweet99ShareShare41140 Shares This is a wake-up call. You are not going fast enough. Another day has passed, and you are no closer to your goals than you were yesterday. (Or has is it been another month? Or year?) The truth is that you will not reach your goals unless you pick up the pace. “You’re […]
5 Core Principles Leaders Should Follow To Have More Productive Teams
Tweet88ShareShare90178 Shares This is a guest post by Shawn Hartwell. Shawn is the author of his personal blog where he writes about customer experience, the importance of happy people in modern business, and shares his observations on life. Leaders are not created equally, nor is the team that results from their different styles of leadership. There are […]
Why You Should Keep Only One Todo List
Tweet152ShareShare97249 Shares How many todo lists do you keep? (You do have one, right?) While it’s important to keep a todo list, it’s equally important that you keep only one list.
21 Dos and Don’ts to Improve Your Email
Tweet157ShareShare273430 Shares Email. Just the word makes many people shiver. Email has become a scourge in many workplaces. Too many emails flooding your inbox, poorly written notes, and senseless Reply-All copies. The good news is that email can be a productive tool if you follow some common sense tactics.
The ABC Method of Keeping Your Workspace Clean
Tweet105ShareShare95200 Shares Is your desk clean, right now? Would it be something you would want your boss (or team members) to see? It is easier than you think to keep your area clean and tidy. The simplest way to keep your workspace in order is to practice the ABC method of organization.