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Time Management
7 Tips to Increase Your Email Speed
Tweet135ShareShare197332 SharesEmail has taken over many people’s workday. However, (as I have said before), unless you are a customer service rep… email is not your job. You need to get out of your inbox and get your work done!
TMN TIP: Always Be Willing to Try New Things
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5 Cleanup Tasks You Should Do Before You Leave Work Each Week
Tweet77ShareShare156233 SharesYou are finishing up your work week. If you can just get that last task done, you can run out of the office for the weekend. But, what are you leaving in your wake? What messes are you leaving behind that will be waiting for you Monday morning? And what tasks will haunt your brain? […]
TMN TIP: Keep Your Time Management Simple
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7 Tips to Stop Your Phone from Interrupting Your Life
Tweet100ShareShare75175 SharesThe phone rings. Like Pavlov’s dog, you answer it. It’s a habit that most of us can’t resist. Yet, if you want to get more work done, you need to remember that your phone is a tool that is meant to help you, not constantly interrupt your day.
10 Reasons You Have Too Much Clutter
Tweet87ShareShare36123 SharesChances are you have too much stuff. And by stuff, I mean clutter. You know that you have too much stuff, but you don’t get rid of it. Instead, it takes over your life until you can’t remember the last time you saw the floor of your office or the top of your dresser. […]
TMN Tip: Today Counts
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Don’t Call a Meeting When You Should Send an Email Instead
Tweet66ShareShare90156 SharesHave you ever finished a meeting and thought, “Wow. We could have saved a lot of time if we had simply sent an email to the group.” Instead, 12 people were summoned to a conference room to sit and listen to someone read their homework out loud to the team. These “bad meetings” are a […]
10 Reasons You Should Go to Bed Early and Get Up Early
Tweet145ShareShare136281 SharesAre you an early bird? Rising before everyone else. Getting a head start before the day begins. Or are you an night owl? Staying up into the darkness. Working long after everyone else has given in for the day. I use the early morning hours for writing, planning, and working out. These are my […]