Tweet8ShareShare1927 Shares Have you ever known that something wasn’t working? Yet, it wasn’t truly broken. Then at some point later, it failed and ended up causing a lot of trouble. When you know something isn’t working right, do you fix it? Or do you wait until it breaks?
5 Ways That Exercise Increases Your Productivity
Tweet353ShareShare140493 Shares Did you exercise today? If not, why? Because you didn’t have time? Or perhaps, you had more important things to do. For those that want to improve their productivity, one of the first things I ask about is their exercise routine.
How to Get Tough Tasks Done by Chaining Them Together
Tweet45ShareShare2873 Shares How do you get those tough tasks done? Those that you don’t want to do. Or perhaps, something you always forget to do. Here is a simple method to make sure that those tough tasks always get done.
10 Reasons Your Meeting Is Going to Be a Waste of Time
Tweet112ShareShare106218 Shares We have all been to that meeting. You know, the one that was a complete waste of time. We weren’t sure why we were there. What we were doing. Or even if we accomplished anything. Was that your meeting?
Does a Holiday Weekend Ruin Your Productivity?
Tweet63ShareShare1780 Shares In the U.S., we are headed back to work after a three-day holiday weekend. Many people were looking forward to the break. A chance to unwind, have fun, and get away from work. (And of course, to remember those that came before us.) However, I am sure quite a few people overdid it during the long […]
Is The Cloud a Productivity Tool?
Google recently wowed the internet with its latest product: Google Drive. This is no big innovation, though. Many services, such as Dropbox, have offered cloud storage services for years now. Yet Google was able to make waves with what in many ways is a mere clone. They put their big-market advantages to work as well, undercutting Dropbox’s pricing while providing more storage capacity at every tier. Google’s entry into the cloud storage market will likely raise interest to a wider audience. Yet, that might not be a good thing for the time-conscious.
Now Is the Time To Build Your Online Brand: Michael Hyatt’s Platform
Tweet19ShareShare423 Shares I recently finished reading an advance copy of Michael Hyatt’s book, Platform: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World. It is a step-by-step guide to building your own online presence. If you have been wanting to start building your online brand (personal or business), then this is a must read. Or even if you have […]
8 Ways to Know Where You Are Going Today (& Get There!)
Tweet2ShareShare2628 Shares Do you know where you’re going today? Many people don’t. In fact, many aren’t going anywhere. Others are traveling in circles, repeating the same things over-and-over. The most important part is knowing where you are going in the first place. Where are you headed today?
5 Tips for Staying Productive as a Freelancer
People who decide to become fulltime freelancers often struggle in the beginning with this new way of life. Working at home and making your own work hours seems perfect in theory, but with such a lifestyle come many new obstacles that you have not faced in the past.
The Truth About Piles and Your Productivity
Tweet160ShareShare64224 Shares I was in a client’s office recently as they were getting ready for a meeting. They were looking for a document. (Actually, they were frantically looking for a piece of paper.) I asked if could help. As they moved piles around their desk, they replied, “No… I put it right here. I know […]