Does a Holiday Weekend Ruin Your Productivity?

Tweet63ShareShare1780 Shares In the U.S., we are headed back to work after a three-day holiday weekend. Many people were looking forward to the break. A chance to unwind, have fun, and get away from work. (And of course, to remember those that came before us.) However, I am sure quite a few people overdid it during the long […]

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Is The Cloud a Productivity Tool?

Google recently wowed the internet with its latest product: Google Drive. This is no big innovation, though. Many services, such as Dropbox, have offered cloud storage services for years now. Yet Google was able to make waves with what in many ways is a mere clone. They put their big-market advantages to work as well, undercutting Dropbox’s pricing while providing more storage capacity at every tier. Google’s entry into the cloud storage market will likely raise interest to a wider audience. Yet, that might not be a good thing for the time-conscious.

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