Tweet125ShareShare60185 Shares Ever have a task without a deadline? It will haunt your todo list. Sitting there (sometimes forever), never getting finished. Without a deadline, there is no incentive to get a task to done.
Author: Craig
Why Checking Things Off Your List Feels So Good
Tweet143ShareShare72215 Shares Have you ever added a task to your todo list… after you had just completed it? Why do you do this? So you can cross it off your list, of course!
5 Reasons You Are Procrastinating on Your Dreams
Tweet171ShareShare107278 Shares You have a dream. A big goal that you want to accomplish in life. However, chances are that you haven’t actually started working on it. You are quick with reasons (excuses) as to why you haven’t pursued it. You dream about it. You think about it. So, why aren’t you doing it?
21 Things Early Birds Do Before Others are Even Out of Bed
Tweet245ShareShare188433 Shares The Early bird does get the worm. As well, he or she, also gets a head start on the world. Are you an early bird? And if so, what do you get done before others are even out of bed in the morning?
7 Ways to Ruin a Meeting Before It Begins
Tweet232ShareShare311543 Shares Sometimes you know it’s going to be a bad meeting before it even begins. You can tell as you enter the conference room that you are walking into a gathering of disorganization and chaos. How do you avoid these time-wasting meetings?
10 Minutes Early is On Time
Tweet138ShareShare74212 SharesAre you constantly late to your meetings? Always the one that others expect to be late? No matter how hard you try to be “on time,” you end up showing up just after the start time. What does it take to arrive on time to your appointments?
10 Tips to Keep Your Calendar Simple and Efficient
Tweet159ShareShare125284 Shares If you look at your calendar, is it clear where you need to be today? Or is it a jumbled jig-saw puzzle of overlapping appointments and meetings? Keeping your calendar in check is key to having a smooth and productive day. Today, I share 10 tips to help you simplify your calendar and keep things […]
Are You Guilty of Using Too Many Gadgets?
Tweet88ShareShare34122 Shares The other day, I was with a colleague who was carrying three phones. Yes, three phones. I did a double-take (or maybe it was a triple-take) before asking why she was carrying all the devices. It turns out that one was for business, one was personal, and the third? I am still not […]
Why You Should Never Skip Leg Day
Tweet70ShareShare2696 Shares Leg Day. If you lift weights, or workout at a gym, you probably dread those words. No one likes “Leg Day.” It is one of the toughest workouts in the fitness world. However, skipping Leg Day leaves you unbalanced and stunts your progress. Leg Day is a great metaphor for avoiding tasks that […]
7 Ways to Stay on Target with Your Work Today
Tweet174ShareShare154328 Shares Ever have one project that you needed to get done? Yet, when you finally reach the end of your day, you discover that you worked on everything but that important project. Countless interruptions and other distractions have kept you from focusing on your most important work. Today, I have 7 tips to help […]