Tweet1ShareShare2122 Shares If you know Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits, then you are familiar with “Sharpening the Saw.” Sharpening the saw is about self-renewal. It is about recharging ourselves. Improving ourselves. So that we can continue to perform at our best. However, can you sharpen the saw too much? Too Much Practice, Not Enough Game A friend of […]
Month: September 2011
5 Reasons to Ban Technology in Your Meeting
Tweet2ShareShare6870 Shares I was recently in a meeting with 8 people in the room. (Which is about 5 too many…) I looked around and observed that over half of the participants were working on either a laptop, cellphone or tablet. They were not “in the meeting.” In fact, they were barely participating. Their minds were elsewhere. Why have a meeting […]
Getting Mad Doesn’t Get Anything Done
Tweet61ShareShare40101 Shares Have you ever gotten mad at work? I mean really mad. Angry to the point that you didn’t get anything done? When bad things happen, it can be difficult not to let our emotions rule our day. However, if you let something eat at you, you aren’t going to get your work done.
Save Time Writing With Scrivener
Tweet41ShareShare546 Shares It’s no secret that I am a big fan of tools that save time and effort. When it comes to writing, there are only a few tools I use. For my blog, I do most of my post writing in WordPress. When it comes to longer projects, I use Scrivener for Mac. Scrivener […]
Today Is Your Best Friend
Tweet56ShareShare2480 Shares Today is a good day. Today is your friend. Today gets it done. It is the only time you have. If today was your only day, how would you spend it differently?
Practice Makes Productive
Tweet9ShareShare2736 Shares We all have things that we want to be better at. However, just wanting to be better at something doesn’t make it so. The question is, “What are you doing about it?” Or better yet, “How often are you doing it?”
21 Things to Do on a 1 Day Vacation
Tweet7ShareShare3138 Shares Do you need a day off from work? When was the last time you took a vacation? You probably are going to say, “I am too busy. I can’t take day off.” But, maybe that is just what you need, one day off.
Think Big, Act Big: “Seize the Year!”
TweetShareShare55 Shares The other day I discovered Jesse Phillip’s calendar project on Kickstarter. I liked the idea. Quite a bit, actually. And I immediately thought this was something that many TMN readers would like to see. See, Jesse has a big idea and it involves a big calendar. It is his 2012 “Seize the Year!” calendar. […]
10 Reasons Burning Bridges is a Waste of Time
Tweet42ShareShare3274 Shares I have a friend who just left his former employer. He moved on to happier endeavors. (At least, so far!) As he was preparing to leave he told me how frustrated he was with former employer and boss. The thought crossed his mind to send a letter to the CEO telling him some of the […]
Don’t Dam Yourself to Non-Productivity
Tweet3ShareShare2831 Shares We all know someone who always seems to be holding things up. Others could be getting their work done if only this person wasn’t blocking things. Sometimes we are so busy trying to get things done, that we don’t realize that we are preventing others from getting theirs done. Are you a dam […]