Tweet216ShareShare73289 Shares Are you a multitasker? It is OK, you can admit it. Are you one of those people that is constantly working on 57 different things? Multi-tasking: It just doesn’t work. Trust me. The truth is… it is all about priorities. Of those 57 things you are working on, I’ll bet 3 are important. […]
Time Management
The 8 Best Ways to Avoid Being Driftwood
Tweet7ShareShare512 Shares The Driftwood Principle Are you driftwood floating down the river of life, going wherever it takes you? Do you let life make decisions for you? Do you let it wear you down sometimes? What happens to driftwood? Over time, it becomes worn, it goes where the river takes it, and sometimes it is […]
Which is worse: Losing your phone or your wallet?
Tweet2ShareShare2 Shares The other day, I tweeted the question, “Would you rather lose your phone or your wallet?” The question seemed to hit a nerve. At some point, each of us has probably endured one or the other. (And for some, more often than others…) But, more interesting, was that the camps were divided. Many […]
TMN Video: A Look at iPad Productivity
TweetShareShare0 Shares I have been using the iPad for a short time now. Yesterday, I started an experiment to try and replace my laptop with the iPad and will provide details in the near future. Today, I wanted to demonstrate some of the basic iPad productivity functionality. Let me know what you think. Also, if […]
The Best Dead Simple Way to Start Your Day
TweetShareShare2525 Shares Do you have a routine for starting your day? Most people have one, but if yours involves pressing the snooze button 4-5 times, you may need to think about a more effective way to start your day. Today, I want to talk about routines for starting the day. Specifically, how to plan and […]
TMN Video Review: iPad Initial Thoughts
TweetShareShare0 Shares My initial thoughts after testing out the iPad for a day. Read my previous article: “9 Ways the iPad Will Change Time Management” Have an iPad? What are you initial impressions?
10 Reasons Being Early Saves Time
Tweet6ShareShare915 Shares These days it seems that everyone is late. In fact, there are entire businesses that make a living catering to the late crowd… FedEx, fast food, etc. When I ask people why people why they are not early (or on time), they usually respond, “I don’t have enough time.” My response is that […]
How to Make Your Todo List a “Menu of Productivity”
Tweet174ShareShare10184 Shares You are what you eat. We all know this truism. But how about: You are what you do. One could say that your todo list is your “menu of life.” It determines what you do and thus what you become. The Todo List as a Menu One of the biggest issues people have […]
A Declaration: Why You Need “The Right to Decline”
Tweet31ShareShare2253 Shares Today is Friday. That means “No Meeting Friday.” No Meeting Friday started as a way to reclaim productivity in the workplace. Let’s dedicate one day a week to do nothing but hard creative work that requires our time. Let’s get done the things that are more important than sitting in a meeting room. […]
Procrastination is Contagious
Tweet5ShareShare38 Shares Newsflash: Procrastination is contagious. Well, maybe it is not a newsflash. I think we all know that you become like those that you hang out with. (Remember when your parents were concerned about you hanging out with a certain crowd in school? Makes sense, doesn’t it?) It has been shown time and again […]