Tweet28ShareShare1341 Shares The other day I was reviewing my credit card statement and there was a $49.95 charge for a magazine subscription. Huh? I don’t subscribe to magazines, let alone the business magazine that was on my statement. I immediately called the magazine company to inquire. (Their 800 # was listed on my statement.) They were […]
Time Management
When Was the Last Time You Didn’t Rush?
Tweet38ShareShare38 Shares I have a confession. I didn’t get much done this weekend. Ironically, I have several large projects in motion that will take up a considerable amount of my time. And I can tell you… that I made zero progress on them this weekend. In fact, you could say I didn’t do much at […]
5 Reasons Your Holiday Shopping Should Be Done
Tweet1ShareShare23 Shares The holidays are right around the corner. You’ve finished your holiday shopping, right? Oh, wait, are we not allowed to talk about this until after Thanksgiving? No matter your take on the holidays, this time of year can be a stressful, busy, and time wasting occasion. Today is about why your holiday shopping […]
TMN Interview: Leo Babauta Discusses His New Book “Focus”
Tweet60ShareShare60 Shares (If you have trouble with the video, you can watch it directly here.) Leo Babauta is the author of the website Zen Habits. He has authored several books including Zen To Done and The Power of Less. Leo was kind enough to sit down and discuss his new book, Focus. Focus: Finding Simplicity […]
My Favorite Todo App for iPhone/iPad: 2Do
Tweet16ShareShare16 Shares People often ask me what productivity apps I use. My current setup is on an iPhone and iPad. Today, I wanted tell you about my favorite todo application. This is a quick review of my current favorite for iPhone and iPad called, “2Do.”
TMN’s Best of October & A Scary Halloween
TweetShareShare0 Shares Hope everyone is having a scary Halloween! Can you believe that it is the end of October already? Tomorrow is November 1st. Only 2 months left in 2010. In case you are sitting at home waiting for trick or treaters… here is a special treat of TMN’s best posts for October. Enjoy!
Why I Quit… and Maybe You Should Too!
Tweet36ShareShare945 Shares Yesterday, I quit. Why? Because I needed more time. It was the annual elections for my neighborhood’s homeowner board, and I choose not to stay on as a boardmember. I had served 2 years on the board helping my community. It was time for me to let someone else step up. And more […]
The Secret of Capturing Ideas
Tweet36ShareShare1248 Shares Ever have a great idea… and then lose it? Ever have an important piece of information and when you go to use it… it’s gone? Do you lose todos? How about notes? Or even appointments? It is important to capture ideas and information when they happen. Otherwise, they often go back to where […]
7 Time Management Mistakes You Are Making With Your Smartphone
Tweet80ShareShare989 Shares Many people use a smartphone as part of their time management strategy. From the first PDA’s to the newest phones, technology has forever changed our time management capabilities. It has allowed us to use simpler, more effective tools. We have the power to access information and organize in ways never before possible. However, […]
What Is Your Time Management Reputation?
Tweet30ShareShare535 Shares You are only going to be 5 minutes late to that meeting. You’ll just sneak in. That report is going to be a little late. No one will notice. Right…? Wrong. It’s not that simple. You have a time management reputation, whether you want to acknowledge it or not. What is yours? And […]