Tweet99ShareShare56155 Shares Do you complain much? What does it get you? Probably not as much as you think. Sometimes you may get attention for short time. Or, you may get your way sometimes. (At what cost?) However, in the long run you are probably wasting your time. You are likely getting a bad reputation and not getting […]
Time Management
The Best Damn Meeting Table Ever
Tweet47ShareShare4188 Shares When you have an important meeting, do you get the big conference room? You know, the fancy one. The one with the boardroom table and the comfortable chairs. And the cool A/V system that hooks up directly to your laptop. With enough seats for a full-on briefing to the President. But, how much […]
What is Your Turbo Button?
TweetShareShare2727 Shares When you need to get yourself going, how do you step on the gas? There are things that boost productivity and accelerate each of us. What gets you going? We all have an internal Turbo button. Sometimes, you just need to push it.
Multi-Tasking: How to Create Extra Hours for Creativity
Tweet23ShareShare2043 Shares The following guest post comes from Kirsten Simmons, of Multi-tasking. It’s the punching bag of the moment in time management circles. I’m sure you’ve all heard about how your brain can’t focus on more than one thing at once, and how you may claim to be able to do two or more […]
5 Reasons Why I Stopped Buying Books
Tweet35ShareShare1651 Shares Can you remember when you bought your last CD? I cannot. However, it was many years ago. Very soon, we will won’t be buying software in a packages either. I download most of my software directly from the online app store. Even for my Mac. Now, I am making another leap. I have decided that I am not […]
Your Todo List: Why It Might Bite You
Tweet42ShareShare3173 Shares You todo list is your friend. Or at least it should be. It’s not going to bite the hand that feeds it, right? Wrong. If you leave it unattended without attention, it might just turn on you. Don’t let your todo list bite you.
Not When, But Where Are You Productive?
TweetShareShare2323 Shares Today, I want to ask, “Where do you get things done?” Not when. Not how. But, where? Often we talk about being, “In the zone.” I want to know where your zone is located. Where are you most productive?
Always Choose Tools You’ll Use
Tweet40ShareShare1959 Shares Have you ever bought a new time management tool only to have it end up in a desk drawer? You know, that fancy calendar that you thought would help organize your day. Or that shiny new gadget that you knew would help you stay on top of things. However, you quickly found that […]
Could the iPad 2 Replace Your Dayplanner?
Tweet35ShareShare35 Shares Unless you have been living on a deserted island, you are aware that Apple is releasing the newly updated iPad 2 on Friday. The iPad has continued to shape and evolve the portable post-PC marketplace. Today, I wanted to look at some of the ways that the iPad 2 will be used for productivity. […]
What’s Slipping Through the Cracks?
Tweet2ShareShare1315 Shares Does your time management system let things get by you? Todos? Appointments? Answers to problems you have already solved? What is slipping through the cracks in your life? What Are You Missing? If your time management system is not clearly defined, or is too complex, you are probably suffering from leakage. (Not a pretty word…) […]