Complaining: Does it Get Anything Done?

Tweet99ShareShare56155 Shares Do you complain much? What does it get you? Probably not as much as you think. Sometimes you may get attention for short time. Or, you may get your way sometimes. (At what cost?) However, in the long run you are probably wasting your time. You are likely getting a bad reputation and not getting […]

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The Best Damn Meeting Table Ever

Tweet47ShareShare4188 Shares When you have an important meeting, do you get the big conference room? You know, the fancy one. The one with the boardroom table and the comfortable chairs. And the cool A/V system that hooks up directly to your laptop. With enough seats for a full-on briefing to the President. But, how much […]

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What’s Slipping Through the Cracks?

Tweet2ShareShare1315 Shares Does your time management system let things get by you? Todos? Appointments? Answers to problems you have already solved? What is slipping through the cracks in your life? What Are You Missing? If your time management system is not clearly defined, or is too complex, you are probably suffering from leakage. (Not a pretty word…) […]

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