Tweet23ShareShare1437 Shares Time and Life Management Advice to Grads There are many new grads headed into the real world this time of year. It seems like a long time ago since my own graduation. (But, not that long…) I was recently asked for my advice to new graduates entering the workplace. So, here are my […]
Time Management
When to Fix It, Even When It’s Not Broke
Tweet8ShareShare1927 Shares Have you ever known that something wasn’t working? Yet, it wasn’t truly broken. Then at some point later, it failed and ended up causing a lot of trouble. When you know something isn’t working right, do you fix it? Or do you wait until it breaks?
How to Get Tough Tasks Done by Chaining Them Together
Tweet45ShareShare2873 Shares How do you get those tough tasks done? Those that you don’t want to do. Or perhaps, something you always forget to do. Here is a simple method to make sure that those tough tasks always get done.
10 Reasons Your Meeting Is Going to Be a Waste of Time
Tweet112ShareShare106218 Shares We have all been to that meeting. You know, the one that was a complete waste of time. We weren’t sure why we were there. What we were doing. Or even if we accomplished anything. Was that your meeting?
Don’t Touch That Email Unless You Are Going To Do Something With It
Tweet148ShareShare61209 Shares How do you deal with the email flood? Most of us receive too much email. Our inboxes are overflowing. Are you bailing as fast as it is building up? Or are you guilty of opening that email and then putting it back in your inbox…?
21 Things You Could Do In Just 5 Minutes
Tweet26ShareShare236262 Shares Life moves pretty fast. Often, we let it slip by. Bit-by-bit. Minute-by-minute. Are you letting your time slip by? The Potential of Just a Few Minutes Want more time in your day? I can’t help you there. We all get the same amount each day. But, you can make more of the time you […]
Big Things Are Important, But Little Things Count
Tweet55ShareShare1873 Shares The small todos that don’t get done. We all have them. You know, the little things that always seem to slip through the cracks. We tell ourselves that the small things will take care of themselves. But, what happens when they don’t?
10 Ways to Save Time With Dropbox
Tweet130ShareShare32162 Shares There has a lot of talk lately about Dropbox. Or more specifically, about many of the competitors out there. Seems everyone supposedly has a “Dropbox Killer.” In my opinion, Dropbox is still the leader in this category. Their UI presents a simpler, better experience. As well, Dropbox works on almost all platforms. (iCloud works only […]
Is Stress Destroying Your Productivity?
Tweet120ShareShare33153 Shares We all deal with stress from time to time. It is part of what we are, you could say it is part of our wiring. Yet, while stress can get us moving, it also directly impacts on our ability to be productive. How does your stress affect your work?
Defending Your Time Without Sounding Like a Jerk
If you regularly read time management blogs, you probably already know the importance of standing up for your time – saying no when you’re overbooked, refusing to put out other people’s fire drills, avoiding the time traps of a standard office environment.