Tweet372ShareShare587959 Shares I recently received an email asking me a simple request. However, the email was 3 pages long. The whole message could have been 3 lines, but instead the author decided to write a short novella. Needless to say, I didn’t read the whole thing. Nor did I respond. Are your emails going unread […]
Time Management
Yes, You CAN Manage Your Time
Tweet70ShareShare1585 Shares I had someone tell me recently, “You can’t manage your time.” Taking the bait I inquired, “Why is that?” “You can’t manage time… you can only manage your choices.” Hmm, sounds like we are talking about the same things.
Always, Always Pack Your Workout Clothes
Tweet6ShareShare1622 Shares Do you workout when you travel? Or do your fitness efforts stop when you are on the road? You may avoid packing those workout clothes because you are trying to “pack light.” Or is that just an excuse? Today, I want to tell you that you should always pack your workout clothes.
8 Secrets of Pulling Your Team to Greater Productivity
Tweet135ShareShare107242 Shares How do you get your team to get more done? How do you get them to go beyond their limits? Do you drive them? Do you push them hard? And then push them harder even once they are resenting the efforts? You may get the work done, but you probably won’t have much of […]
5 Ways Paper Beats Your Tech for Productivity
Tweet83ShareShare49132 Shares It’s no secret that I am a big fan of technology. However, my iPad doesn’t travel far without my Moleskine notebook. When it comes to taking notes, I always end up back at paper.
Which Do You Need to Do: Start or Stop?
Tweet57ShareShare663 Shares Change is tough. Yet, some change is exactly what most of us desire. More of this. Less of that. Change is about starting. Change is also about stopping. Which do you need to do today?
10 Things to Do on a Plane While Disconnected
Tweet67ShareShare61128 Shares Recently, I had a cross-country flight from Atlanta to San Francisco. I was expecting to be online the entire flight. (Ah, the things we take for granted these days.) My plans for doing some online research, preparing a client brief, and even conducting an inflight meeting via chat, all quickly evaporated. However, being […]
How to Make an Impact in the Online Business World
Tweet17ShareShare219 Shares Today, I want to recommend a new book by my friend, Chris Brogan. (Chris has been a longtime supporter of TMN… see his guest post from way back.) His new book is called The Impact Equation and it is being released this week. In it, Chris and his co-author Julien Smith, spell out their […]
5 Reasons Why Meeting Face-to-Face Is Best
Tweet173ShareShare391564 Shares Conference calls have forever changed our business world. Long distance communication has become key to the success of many organizations. Remote workers and virtual teams are quickly becoming the norm these days. Yet, meeting over the phone is not always the answer. When you meet face-to-face is when work tends to get done.
Is Your Time Management Held Together by Duct Tape?
Tweet59ShareShare2281 Shares Recently, I was working with an individual who had a pile of organizational tools on his desk. He had tool after tool that he used for various tasks and todos. There was one piece of software that fed another. And one system that was synced and linked to another via keywords. It was a complicated […]