Tweet101ShareShare32133 Shares You have a most important todo on your list. What is it? (Hint: Have you even looked at your list?) Name it. Choose it. Prioritize it. Make sure, that no matter what, you get your most important todo done… today.
Time Management
7 Ways to Jump-start Your Work with a Rough Draft
Tweet61ShareShare3697 Shares You can’t seem to get that project started. It’s been sitting there. Maybe you are telling yourself that you’re not ready. Or that your idea isn’t good enough yet. Or you’re missing the needed resources. Those are all excuses. To jump-start your work, sit down and start your rough draft.
10 Tasks To Make You More Productive In Your In-between Time
Tweet186ShareShare81267 Shares You have a few minutes of unexpected down time. Do you make use of it? Or do you spend it surfing the news or playing Candy Crush? A secret of highly productive people is that they know how to make the most of their in-between time.
How to Stay Ahead of a Disorganized Boss
Tweet82ShareShare85167 Shares Most people quit their boss, not their job. A disorganized boss can sink an entire department. (Or company for that matter!) And a boss’s lack of attention to detail can drive their team to delirium. However, before you pack it in, here are some tips to help you stay above water… even if […]
7 Simple Steps To Stop Piling and Start Filing Your Papers
Tweet146ShareShare62208 Shares Where is that piece of paper you are looking for? You know it’s on your desk. But, where? Everyone has done the paper shuffle at some point… looking for that needle in a haystack. Are your papers filed away where you can easily find them? Or are they piled in multiple stacks on […]
The One Question You Must Ask Before Buying That Shiny New Gadget
Tweet89ShareShare16105 Shares New gadgets and apps arrive daily. I am sure there is a new one out today. It seems that you can’t read the news without hearing about a new gadget or piece of software. But, before you pick up that new tool, you need to ask yourself one important question in order to […]
10 Things You Could Have Done If You Got Up Early
Tweet406ShareShare124530 Shares You were going to get up early today. Instead, you stayed up late last night. Now, after resetting your alarm twice, you are rushing to get out the door. What could you have done if you had gotten up early today?
5 Ways to Avoid Doing Everything at Once
Tweet6ShareShare137143 Shares As you get back to work, you are probably going to be overwhelmed by the amount of work you need to catch up on. It will be tempting to try and get caught up on everything at the same time. However, the truth is… You can’t do it all at once. Rather than […]
10 Questions to Help You Reflect on Your Year and Prepare for the Next
Tweet94ShareShare97191 Shares As the year ends, it can be a great time to look back at what you accomplished in the past 12 months. It is a good time to reflect on where you have been. As well, plot where you are going in the future. So, how was your year? And where do you […]
My Favorite Time Management Ninja Posts of the Year
Tweet34ShareShare1448 Shares As this year winds down, it is a good time to look back at 2013. In review, I wanted to call out some of my favorites thoughts and ideas of the year. Here are my favorite 12 Time Management Ninja writings of 2013.