Tweet356ShareShare599955 Shares “I don’t have time for time management.” I hear this excuse often from those who aren’t taking control of their time and life. Instead, they use the “too busy” excuse to put off getting organized and being more productive in their daily activities. If this is you, today I have 10 tiny time […]
Time Management
How More of the “Same” Can Make You More Productive
Tweet136ShareShare44180 Shares In your search for productivity, are you constantly changing up your game? Always trying new techniques, tools, and the latest gadgets? This constant state of flux can actually make you less productive. Perhaps, you need more of the “same” to get things done today.
Saving Time with Apple Pay
TweetShareShare1414 Shares I am very excited about Apple Pay. (Disclaimer: Yes, I am a big Apple fan.) In my opinion, it is the biggest game-changer that Apple announced recently. It has kind of been overshadowed by the iPhone 6 (and Plus). And the Apple Watch. And iPad Air 2. And more. However, it went live […]
7 Tasks to Complete Before You Head Out for Your Weekend
Tweet89ShareShare108197 Shares Are you ready for the weekend? Before you head out the door, take time to wrap up your week. Completing just a few extra tasks will allow you to enjoy your time off and have a sense of peace with how your left things at work. Today, I have 7 tasks to complete […]
Do What You Want to Become
Tweet173ShareShare119292 Shares People often tell me what they want to be. Often, their big goals represent something they are not doing currently… like a new career. Or something they cannot perform today… such as run a 5K race. The question is, “Are you doing what you want to become?”
Exposing the Multitasking Myth: 4 Better Ways to Manage Your Time
Tweet127ShareShare83210 Shares This is a guest post by Centask productivity blogger Bojan Dordevic. Bojan loves to write about all things time management and technology, and is the senior editor of AlphaEfficiency Magazine. While many people take pride in their “ability” to multitask, dividing your attention between two or more tasks can actually result in diminishing returns […]
5 Things to Do Before the Meeting Begins
Tweet12ShareShare174186 Shares We have all shown up to that meeting. The one with no purpose. The one with no advance notice or details. And the one where no one could even find where the meeting was being held. It ends up being a waste of everyone’s time. To ensure your meeting is a success, you […]
Are You Making These 5 Calendar Mistakes?
Tweet112ShareShare149261 Shares Staying on top of your calendar can be a real challenge. Your day is full of appointments, meeting invites, and other requests for your time. You need to manage your calendar or it will be taken over by those who will steal your time bit-by-bit until you discover that you have none left for […]
How to Boost Your Productivity With Just One Little Word
Tweet109ShareShare78187 Shares This is a guest post by Linda Coussement. Linda helps entrepreneurs lead, grow and improve their remarkable businesses. Download her 10 page interactive Vision Guide and get a flying start to the growth and improvement of YOUR business. Isn’t it hard to say NO? Sure you can take on that extra project. And sure […]
10 Quick Tips to Improve Your Time Management
Tweet204ShareShare131335 Shares Last week at a conference, I was approached by a TMN reader who asked me, “Can you give me a quick tip to improve my time management?” I felt like a comedian put on the spot with the cliché, “Say something funny…” So, for those who want some “quick tips,” today I have a […]