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Time Management
Do Three Important Things Every Single Day
Tweet59ShareShare190249 Shares As you get ready for your day, you are probably taking inventory of how many tasks you have to do, how many places you must go, and the people you need to see. You todo list can seem a mile long, and your day can seem daunting even before it begins. But, before […]
10 Ways to Slow Down and Still Get More Done
Tweet44ShareShare92136 Shares In your attempts to get even more done, you probably find yourself rushing through your day. Going faster and faster to conquer the chaos of your schedule. Yet, racing to finish line of your day isn’t always the most effective course. Today, consider slowing down. You might just find that you get more done.
TMN TIP: Putting It Off Doesn’t Relieve Stress
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Should You Ban Technology in Your Meetings?
Tweet42ShareShare141183 SharesTechnology is supposed to help us get more done. Yet, our computers and gadgets can also be great distractors. Perhaps, one of the best examples of this is in meeting situations. Think of your last meeting. Did technology actually help the conversation or did it distract and interrupt the business at hand?
Any Decision is Better than No Decision
Tweet45ShareShare77122 Shares How often do you find yourself sitting in indecision? Maybe, you are waiting for a better moment. Or more information. Whatever the reason, you find yourself without a decision.
TMN Tip: Always Reconfirm Appointments the Day Before
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The 5-Minute Task You Can’t Get Done
Tweet10ShareShare96106 Shares You know that task that you can’t get done. Yes, that one. Funny thing is, you know it should only take you 5 minutes to complete. If only you could get around to it. Why does it keep slipping through your fingers?
Four Ways to Tackle Your Top Tasks
Tweet9ShareShare7079 Shares This is a guest post by Kelly Smith, a self proclaimed technology addict at CourseFinder, a tool helping people find and compare Australian online courses. There she combines her huge interest in new tech solutions and leadership trends with her love for writing. When you’re bombarded with a list of things to do […]
TMN TIP: Always Print the Handouts the Day Before
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