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Time Management
5 Times to Say No to Yourself to Stay Productive
Tweet133ShareShare125258 SharesYou have an important task or looming deadline. Yet, you find yourself surfing the Internet, checking your social feeds, or reading the news. To stay on task, sometimes you need to ask yourself, “What shouldn’t I be doing right now?”
Could You Go a Week without Checking Work Email?
Tweet97ShareShare43140 SharesI was on vacation this week. And I didn’t respond to one email. In fact, I didn’t check it all week. Could you go on vacation and not check your work email?
You Can Plan Anywhere
Tweet92ShareShare39131 SharesI do some of my best planning at the gym. Really, I do. You might think that planning would get in the way of working out. However, it is “being in the zone” that frees my mind to come up with many of the ideas that my brain has been accumulating. Where do you […]
TMN Tip: Only by Testing Our Limits, Do We Expand Them
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Building a Course from Scratch Today… LIVE
Tweet33ShareShare437 Shares I’m set up in Atlanta with two friends of mine (both online entrepreneurs) where we’re going to be doing something crazy the next couple of days. We’ve taken it upon ourselves to tackle what we’re calling “Project LAUNCH.” Starting shortly, we’re going to be broadcasting on as we dig into the process of creating and […]
Turn Your Dream into Reality…in 48 Hours
Tweet35ShareShare1449 SharesYou’ve thought about it. Dreamed about it. Talked about it. It’s on your “Goal List.” But you just can’t get your online brand built, or product launched. You know it would take weeks, months or even years to figure out your niche, build your tribe, and launch your product. Or would it? It’s Time […]
5 Ways to Ensure You Do the Important Instead of the Urgent
Tweet159ShareShare157316 SharesEver have a day when everything seems urgent? You end up running in circles. And trying to do everything at once. Yet, when the day ends, you realize that most of what you thought was urgent… really wasn’t that important.
TMP TIP: Send One Less Email Today
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Without a Deadline, It’s Difficult to Finish
Tweet142ShareShare109251 SharesEver have a task without a deadline? It tends to slip and remain undone. Often, you’ll put it off intentionally since there’s no apparent penalty. Today, I want to tell you why every important task needs a deadline.