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Time Management
10 Ways Leaders with Bad Time Management Hurt Companies
Tweet54ShareShare77131 SharesI recently heard in the workplace, “He/she is a great leader, but horrible at time management.” This sounds like a a contradiction in terms. Good leaders increase a team’s output. They accelerate things, remove obstacles, and lift individuals to their potential. Being “bad at time management” isn’t something that goes well with those objectives.
TMN TIP: Always Park at the Same Place at the Airport
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How Much Time Will You Spend in Meetings this Week?
Tweet43ShareShare5497 SharesIs your schedule overrun with meetings? Before you even begin your workday is your calendar full of meetings. Take a look a your calendar and add up how much time you will spend in conference rooms this week. When will you get your work done if you are stuck in meetings all day?
TMN TIP: Avoid People Who Waste Your Time
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10 Tips to Make Your Presentations More Productive
Tweet56ShareShare82138 SharesPowerpoint. Even the word, makes many people cringe. If you have ever been in an endless PowerPoint presentation, you know exactly what I am talking about. PowerPoint is supposed to be a great way to present your ideas. Yet, most people are not effective when they use it. Today, I have 10 tips to help […]
5 Ways to Break Your Routine to Get Better Results
Tweet81ShareShare58139 SharesRoutines are powerful. Routines let you plan your day for productivity. They provide familiarity and habit to help you get things done with consistency and less effort. Yet, the same routines that you ride everyday may also be limiting your current potential. Could changing your routine be the “jolt” you need to improve your […]
10 Simple Time Management Tactics for Your Day
Tweet120ShareShare172292 SharesWhile many people don’t use any time management setup in their day-to-day, I am always amazed by the ones that have a system so complex that it is unmanageable. Their time management ends up taking more effort than it saves. Time management isn’t supposed to be complex. Today, I want to share 10 simple […]
You’re Not Putting Enough Importance on What is Important
Tweet46ShareShare1561 SharesYou know what you want to do. You even probably know what you need to do. Yet, those important things never seem to get done. They are the things that keep you up at night. They seem to haunt your brain constantly. They are the last things you think about before your head hits […]
12 Top Features for the Perfect Todo App
Tweet35ShareShare1348 SharesPaper todo lists are still great. However, these days, many of us use apps on our phones to manage our tasks. It makes sense since our phones are with us all-of-the-time. (Many people even sleep with their phones.) Yet, many of the popular todo apps leave much to be desired. They are often too […]