Tweet43ShareShare851 Shares Not long ago, I had to replace my iMac. (See here…) At the time, I wrote about the apps that I installed on my new Mac to get it up and running. 19 of them to be specific. Today, I want to share 9 more apps to make your Mac more productive.
Don’t Fool Yourself With “Just-in-Time” Time Management
Tweet107ShareShare37144 Shares Do you finish tasks at the last possible moment? Are your projects always finishing just before the final deadline? If your time management is always just-in-time, you may need to take a second look at your productivity.
10 Signs Your “Fear of Missing Out” Is Keeping You From Being Productive
Tweet173ShareShare59232 Shares You are constantly checking social media, the news, and email. You can’t stop answering your phone when you should be working. Is the “Fear of Missing Out” keeping you from getting your work done?
How to Practice the Zen of Effortless Travel
Tweet42ShareShare2365 Shares Does even the thought of travel stress you out? Do you dread the packing, preparing, and then waiting at the airport? Travel doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t need to be so stressed out with the journey that you can’t enjoy your destination. Here are a few tips to make your […]
The Easy Way to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed
Tweet120ShareShare30150 Shares This is a guest post by Robert D. Smith. He is the author of 20,000 Days and Counting, a crash course in living every moment with maximum intensity and purpose. For over 30 years, he has overseen the career of New York Times best-selling author and speaker Andy Andrews. He also writes about […]
10 Simple Rules for Choosing Your Productivity Tools
Tweet137ShareShare37174 Shares What productivity tools are in your toolkit? Are you constantly adding new ones or do you stick with the tried and true? Better yet, how do you pick your productivity tools in the first place?
Stop Having an Affair with Your Smartphone! (Or iPad!)
Tweet203ShareShare46249 Shares Do you sleep with your smartphone? (Or iPad?) Is the last thing you do before bed to check email or your social networks? Have you considered that you might be having an affair… with your phone?
Ignoring the Background Noise When You Are Overwhelmed
Tweet69ShareShare33102 Shares Last week I was underwater. I was neck-deep in a huge business project that took over all of my time. How do you stay afloat when your work has you overwhelmed?
Can’t Keep Up? 7 Ways to Always Be Catching Up
Tweet224ShareShare75299 Shares When you are behind, it can be overwhelming. It may feel like you will never be back on track. You might not be able to immediately get all your work done. However, you can always be catching up.
Why Your Todo List Should Never Be Empty
Tweet108ShareShare34142 Shares Does your todo list ever reach empty? We talk about inbox zero. (Getting all the email out of your inbox.) But, todo list zero? That doesn’t happen. Nor should it.