Tweet97ShareShare46143 Shares How many times a day do you look at your todo list? Ideally, your list should always be at the center of your daily productivity. To maximize your efforts, you should check it at least three times per day.
10 Small Productivity Wins You Should Celebrate
Tweet119ShareShare60179 Shares Do you get frustrated with your lack of productivity? If you concentrate only on what you are not getting done, it can be disheartening. When was the last time you stopped and recognized your productivity wins? Take pride in your achievements, no matter how small they seem. Sometimes, it’s the little productivity wins […]
How to Stop Arriving Late to Those Nearby Appointments
Tweet41ShareShare5596 Shares This is a guest post by Rashelle Isip. Rashelle is a consultant, blogger and founder of The Order Expert, a blog featuring organizing, time management and productivity tips, ideas and inspiration to help people ‘round the world “kick chaos to the curb.” You’ve got an appointment in 15 minutes that is just five minutes […]
You’re Wasting Half Your Day and What to Do About It
Tweet153ShareShare67220 Shares “I don’t have time.” It’s a common refrain. (And excuse…) Yet, you control what you do with your time each day. To get more done, you need to cut out the frivolous activities eating up your time. Are you wasting half of your day?
Top 10 Tasks to Delegate to a Virtual Assistant
Tweet187ShareShare148335 Shares Do you need an extra set of hands at work? Maybe you should consider delegating some of your tasks to a virtual assistant. You might be surprised just how much time and effort you can save with a VA. Of course, the first question is, “What do I delegate to a virtual assistant?“
Email Is Not Your Job
Tweet247ShareShare380627 Shares Some days it seems like all you do is email. You get to the end of the day and you haven’t escaped your inbox. Are you stuck endlessly processing emails instead of getting work done?
Did You Participate in the Meeting or Were You Just There?
Tweet182ShareShare47229 Shares Have you ever been to a meeting where everyone just sits around a table? No coherent conversations take place because everyone is working on something else. Laptops are out. Cell phones are on. And no one is even paying attention to the topic at hand. Afterwards, you feel like the meeting was a […]
10 Tips to Stop Worrying and Get More Done
Tweet126ShareShare46172 Shares In our hyper-active world, it seems that there is always something to worry about. If it’s not ourselves, our loved ones, or friends, then we have gas prices, the government, or other social issues of the day. What keeps your mind spinning? Are you so busy worrying that you are not getting your […]
7 Ways You Are Over Promising Your Time
Tweet19ShareShare88107 Shares “I’ll be there in just a minute.” So, you say. Yet, several hours later, you end up apologizing, “Sorry, I got stuck finishing something up.” Are you over promising time that you can’t deliver?
The Top 10 Life Benefits of Time Management
Tweet212ShareShare132344 Shares “Why should I manage my time?” The simple answer is that time management helps you stay on top of your tasks and get more done. Yet, there is much more. Time management benefits you in all areas of your life.