The Clock is Always Ticking on Your Dreams

Clock is ticking on your dreams

You can’t finish if you don’t start.”

Yet, most people never begin the journey to their dreams.

They talk about it. And talk some more. And on.

Before they know it, their dream is several years (or decades!) old.

It has become more of a fable than a dream. Often talked about, but never a reality.

Does this describe your dream?

When Will You Act?

The most important question is, “When will you pursue your dream?”

Tomorrow is not a valid answer. You might as well say never.

Others may be satisfied living in the status quo. Not you.

You want more. You have dreams. BIG ideas that you want to make happen.

However, if you don’t act, you will waste the most important resource you have: time.

“The clock is always ticking on your dreams… use your time today.”

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Despite what your procrastination and excuses tell you, you don’t get more time later. And there is no perfect time to start. Only today.

While You (Still) Have Time

Very few people ever start on their dreams.

Fewer still will take the actions required to make them a reality.

Make sure you act on your dreams.

Start today.
Do it now.
Step on the gas.
Chase your dreams.
Do the impossible.

And do it while you still have time.

Question: What dream are you still waiting to start? How long have you had it? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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