You want to take that leap.
You know you do.
Maybe you want to prove that you can achieve something.
Or perhaps, you just want to know what is on the other side.
What is your leap? And what is stopping you from taking it?
Fear of Taking That Leap
You have something you want to accomplish.
- Start a business
- Write a book
- Find a new career
- Get in shape
- Start a new relationship
What is stopping you from taking that leap?
The perfect time… there isn’t one.
Lack of knowledge… you have more information at your fingertips than any generation before you.
Lack of time… you can find the time, if it truly matters.
Fear… that is your own mind’s excuse to keep you in your comfort zone.
And, what are you truly afraid of?
Failure? Embarrassment? Financial loss?
All of these are temporary.
Yet, you will never make a permanent change unless you face your fear and take that leap.
You Don’t Have to Jump off a Cliff
Many people talk themselves out of taking their leap, by making up excuses.
Or they make the leap out to be a life or death scenario… a leap of success or doom.
I can’t start a new career… I have kids and a family to support now.
I can’t write a book… what if people don’t like it.
I can’t start a business… I don’t have the time, money, or resources.
Yet, in this day and age, your leap doesn’t have to be all or nothing.
Too often I hear people say things like, “I am going to quit my day job and start a web-based business.”
Bold? Maybe. Brave? Sure.
The safest (read: smartest) option? Not by a long shot.
Today’s world allows all kinds of options never before possible.
You can start small. You can do it on the side. You can do it on your time.
You can learn a new career… online in your spare time.
You don’t have to quit your job to start a business… you can launch it from your dinner table with a single laptop.
You can publish your own book… for almost no cost and sell it around the world.
Leaping doesn’t have to be off a cliff.
In fact, I recommend that you are smart about your leap.
Look, Then Take Your Leap
If you never leap, you will never know what’s on the other side.
Life is short, don’t put it off any longer.
It doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing jump. Be smart about it.
Look hard. Then leap with as much force as you can.
Question: What leap do you need to take in your life? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
For me is write a book. It’s true that we make all types of excuses for not achieving our goals. I always hear excuses like time and money. A great way to start looking at your leap is to ask: How can I get there? Who is going to help me get there? Mason Colley once said “Never try to leap from a standstill.” So, for me it’s building momentum to take the leap.
Sounds good Veronica! Best wishes with your book!
Hey! I’ve been going through all of your tools/resources posts trying to find a project management tool that you recommend (that’s also hopefully free!). I came across basecamp and I need something like it, but I’m a student and need it to help me organize my research project – but I can’t afford to pay. Do you have any recommendations? Anything would be helpful!! Thanks so much!!!
Yes! I have two recommendations for you.
I currently use Trello. Check it out here:
As well, I recommend Asana:
Both are free. 🙂
Love this post. Sitting around thinking about all the stuff you really want to do with your life never gets you far. It is the action, even the smaller steps you mention, that move you closer to your goals. And an object that is in motion tends to stay in motion – love the momentum of the leap! I just took a class called….wait for it….Quantum Leap, in Sedona, Arizona, that had me act in such a way that I was able to overcome a long standing fear of finding my voice, and I ended up reading a piece that I had written in front of 250 people. Quantum indeed. The feeling of that action, and it’s resulting freedom had lasting consequences. Just leap people. Be afraid but take the leap. Thanks Craig.