Tweet148ShareShare98246 Shares Are you the Early Bird? Do you get an early start on your day? Do you arrive to appointments early? Do you finish projects and tasks ahead of deadlines? If not, why not?
Time Management
The Secret of High & Low Energy Tasks
Tweet210ShareShare52262 Shares Let’s face it, sometimes you just don’t feel like working. It seems that no matter what you do, that you can’t get into that productivity zone. Maybe your energy level is low. Maybe your attitude is off. You just don’t feel like doing anything. What do you do when this happens?
The Danger of Your Weakness
Tweet48ShareShare2876 Shares No one likes to be considered weak. Our whole culture is about being strong. Being tough. Being resilient. While we are often stronger than we think, we tend to ignore or downplay our weaknesses. But, you have to consider your vulnerabilities, because even the strongest can be done in by their Achilles’ heel. Do you […]
Is Your Time Management Too Rude?
Tweet69ShareShare42111 Shares Does your time management upset people? Do people think you are rude because you defend your time? A concern I sometimes hear is that if people take a hard stance with their time, that others will consider their actions rude. After all, wasting time, being late, and missing deadlines are the norm. If […]
Is Your Todo List a Blank Slate?
Tweet56ShareShare2177 Shares How do you start your todo list? Many people begin with a fresh piece of paper. If so, how do you know what you did yesterday? Better yet, what was left undone? Is your todo list a blank slate each and every day? The Blank Slate I once worked with a manager that […]
Conference Calls Don’t Work & How To Fix Them
TweetShareShare1717 Shares Conference calls don’t work. Let’s face it. They just don’t. People do other things. Most people are engaged in everything but engaging those on the call. Hopefully, they at least “mute” their line. But amazingly, you often hear typing, background noise, pets, toilets flushing (really!), and more. Do these things happen on your conference […]
Do We Still Need Snail Mail?
Tweet17ShareShare623 Shares This week in Atlanta we had 5 snow days in a row. (Yes, 5!) Schools and many businesses were closed all week. Many people did not have mail delivered for 4 days or more due to the snow and ice. And for me, I did not miss it at all! So I ask, […]
TMN Video: Weekly Reader Questions #1
TweetShareShare0 Shares Weekly Reader Questions and Tips One of my goals for 2011 is to do more video for TMN. Today is the first in a weekly series where I answer your questions. If you cannot see the video in your browser, click here to view it. Thanks for your support! Topics Mentioned in This […]
Are You Afraid of Your Calendar?
Tweet42ShareShare1658 Shares I was recently working with a colleague who was trying to get more control over her schedule. She said that she did not have enough time and that she was too reactive during her day. When we took a look at her calendar, I was astonished to see that it was almost empty. […]
Does Your Todo List Have a Guarantee?
Tweet199ShareShare11210 Shares What is the one thing you will do today? Forget the rest of your todo list for a moment. You only get to pick one item. One task. But you will complete it today… no matter what else happens. What is it?