You Might Be Bad at Time Management If…

Tweet5ShareShare3439 Shares People often say, “I am really bad at time management.” When I hear this, I wonder why they make this assessment. What exactly are they bad at…? – Getting tasks done? – Maintaining their calendar? – Not wasting time? Maybe they are bad at time management. Today, I thought I would take a slightly […]

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Is Your Meeting a Bunch of Quacking?

TweetShareShare3333 Shares Does this picture represent the last meeting you attended? You know how it goes. Everyone shows up. There is a lot of quacking. People stream in late. There is no organization. After a bunch of chaos, everyone streams off in different directions. Do ducks have more effective meetings than your company?

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How Much Would You Pay to Interrupt Me?

Tweet12ShareShare2335 Shares Interruptions are commonplace these days. Society continues to change at a rapid pace with the advent of smartphones and everywhere connectivity. In fact, most of us now carry our phones (and computers!) on our person at all times. Additionally, we have given the power to almost anyone to ring us whenever and wherever we are. Via […]

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Can I Work During Your Meeting?

Tweet49ShareShare3483 Shares Has this happened at one of your meetings? A colleague shows up in hurried fashion, spreads their papers and laptop on the conference table and frankly states, “If it’s OK with you, I need to work through your meeting.” “Um. Actually no.” Huh? “Actually, it is not OK. If you have work to […]

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