Tweet117ShareShare74191 Shares Each day, we jump back into the hustle and bustle that is our lives. We focus so much on getting things done, that we often forget to question what we are doing in the first place. As you head into your day, here are some time management questions to ask yourself…
Time Management
How to Be Productive Where You Least Expect It
Tweet109ShareShare26135 Shares Is your productivity limited by where you are? Or are you able to be productive wherever you find yourself with downtime? Ironically, it has never been easier to bring your work and tasks with you. With smartphones, tablets, or even a good notebook, you can be productive almost anywhere.
The Top 12 Time Management Lies We Tell Ourselves
Tweet206ShareShare74280 Shares When it comes to time, we are all guilty of telling ourselves little white lies. Sometimes we tell big whoppers, too. I don’t have enough time… I’ll get to it later… maybe someday… What are you saying to yourself?
How to Keep the Wind in Your Sails
Have you ever bounced out of bed, humming a happy tune, only to be greeted by Debbie Downer at the office? Have you ever had a fantastic idea in the shower, then made the mistake of sharing it with someone else who pooh-poohed it?
10 Reasons Wunderlist Is My Todo List (And Should Be Yours Too…)
Tweet60ShareShare1171 Shares There are many options out there for todo lists. In fact, there are too many to name here. Some are free. A few are very expensive. Many of them are too complex. In fact, some make life more complicated. My todo list app of choice is Wunderlist. Here’s why…
5 Tips for Staying on Task When Working from Home
Working from home comes with many advantages. You don’t have to wake up at a specific time, no time is wasted in traffic, and you have a lot of freedom on how you do your work. However, it also makes it more challenging to keep up your productivity because it is easy to get too comfortable.
To Get Ahead, Do 21 Things That Others Don’t
Tweet577ShareShare422999 Shares Many people want to get ahead. Yet, most sit back and critique those who are successful. They wonder how a few are able to excel where the majority struggle. Ironically, there is no big secret. It is simple really. Those who succeed do what other people do not. They even do the things that […]
A 10 Step Checklist to Start Your Week Right
Tweet425ShareShare479904 Shares Most people charge into their week without planning. Without even knowing where they are going or what they need to get done. Sound familiar? Start Your Week Checklist Everyone wants to be more organized and have less life friction during their work week. However, most do not want to spend hours and hours […]
Is Your Time Management Stressing You Out?
Tweet88ShareShare37125 Shares People are stressed. Work. Family. Kids. Friends. Extracurricular. Community. And more… Sometimes it seems like too much. However, the only thing that stresses people more than their work… is keeping up with their work. Does your time management stress you out?
6 Ways to Find Time to Do Your Creative Work
If you enjoy art, writing or music, you might find it frustratingly hard to make time to do your creative work. In the rush of the day-to-day, our schedules and planners and to-do lists are often good at coping with the more mundane tasks (“buy milk”) – but creative work gets sidelined for another day.