Tweet51ShareShare152 Shares Sometimes you just have to be ruthless with your email. Otherwise, it will run you over like a freight train. This weekend, there was an interesting USA Today article about a Harris Interactive poll that showed that more than 50 emails a day is the tipping point for most people to be overwhelmed […]
How the iPad Replaced My Laptop – Part II
Tweet15ShareShare15 Shares Previously, I wrote “How the iPad Replaced my Laptop in 30 Days.” I have continued to use the iPad as my main mobile computing device and my laptop continues to sit on my desk more and more. So, I thought I would provide some additional insights on using the iPad as your “laptop […]
7 Tips to Jump-start Your Work After A Break
Tweet28ShareShare3765 Shares Many of us are back to work after this holiday weekend. (Here in the U.S.) How long does it take your productivity to get back up-to-speed? A few hours? A few days? Here are some quick tips to accelerate your productivity back to where it needs to be: Get Ahead of Your Calendar […]
5 Reasons Email is Now Snail Mail
Tweet5ShareShare16 Shares Just how fast is email? Not that fast, really. Here is a little secret… “Email has become the new snail mail.” Email used to be fast. Very fast, in fact. Not anymore. Now it is slow. Why is this? How did email become relegated to a second rate communication tool? 1. More Immediate […]
8 Guidelines To Minimize Your Email
Tweet7ShareShare1219 Shares When you get back to work from a weekend do you suddenly have hundreds of emails waiting for you? Does your email multiply? Does it reproduce while you are asleep? Some people are convinced this is the only answer to explain the mountain of email that appears in their inbox. Where does all […]
5 Swift Tips to Help Empty Your Inbox
Tweet16ShareShare1026 Shares Pop Quiz: How many emails are currently in your inbox? Be honest. 10? 20? 50? 200? More? A colleague I recently spoke with had 2300+ email messages in their inbox. A large percentage unread and unanswered. At that point your email has become an ineffective means of communication. You read stories of people […]
The Best Dead Simple Way to Start Your Day
TweetShareShare2525 Shares Do you have a routine for starting your day? Most people have one, but if yours involves pressing the snooze button 4-5 times, you may need to think about a more effective way to start your day. Today, I want to talk about routines for starting the day. Specifically, how to plan and […]
Why You Don’t Really Need it Now
Tweet11ShareShare314 Shares In a world where people tend to ignore deadlines and many tasks/projects are finished late, why do people continue to assault our time? Why do they interrupt us with urgent requests? Why do they need it now? How often do our priorities get derailed due to some one’s immediate demands on our time? I […]
TMN’s 9 Laws for Work Email
Tweet26ShareShare733 Shares There has been much discussion lately about email etiquette and email rules. Everyone has experienced someone who can’t seem to abide by email standards. Then it hit me… where are the standards? (Well, yes, there are always etiquette standards. Those are the socially accepted norms.) But, does your company have published email usage […]
Email – Only 5 lines?
TweetShareShare0 Shares If you Twitter a lot… you know that every character counts. 140 is not a lot to say. So, you find yourself omitting words, leaving out spaces, changing before to b4, etc. I wonder how much Twitter is changing our current langauge/communication styles? Simple words like “very” are replacing fancy words like “extremely.” […]