Tweet206ShareShare222428 Shares Your attitude determines your productivity. More than almost any other factor, your perspective on the current situation affects your ability to get work done. If you need to be more productive, make sure you bring your positive attitude.
Author: Craig
Maximize Your Productivity by Checking Your List Three Times a Day
Tweet97ShareShare46143 Shares How many times a day do you look at your todo list? Ideally, your list should always be at the center of your daily productivity. To maximize your efforts, you should check it at least three times per day.
Why You Need to Step on the Brakes to Go Forward
Tweet1ShareShare2021 Shares Yesterday, I did something different. I didn’t do what I normally do. In fact, I intentionally stepped on the brakes and stopped my progress. It was time to take a pause and evaluate. Are you going forward so fast that you don’t have a moment to evaluate and improve your actions? Or even […]
10 Small Productivity Wins You Should Celebrate
Tweet119ShareShare60179 Shares Do you get frustrated with your lack of productivity? If you concentrate only on what you are not getting done, it can be disheartening. When was the last time you stopped and recognized your productivity wins? Take pride in your achievements, no matter how small they seem. Sometimes, it’s the little productivity wins […]
How to Stop Arriving Late to Those Nearby Appointments
Tweet41ShareShare5596 Shares This is a guest post by Rashelle Isip. Rashelle is a consultant, blogger and founder of The Order Expert, a blog featuring organizing, time management and productivity tips, ideas and inspiration to help people ‘round the world “kick chaos to the curb.” You’ve got an appointment in 15 minutes that is just five minutes […]
Why You Must Raise the Bar Higher to Succeed
Tweet39ShareShare2867 Shares Most people are happy with average. They embrace the status quo. (Even fight to maintain it!) They set expectations low, to prevent disappointment. They don’t know what good is, because they are satisfied with mediocre. However, if you want to rise above… if you want to reach levels of success you haven’t attained… […]
You’re Wasting Half Your Day and What to Do About It
Tweet153ShareShare67220 Shares “I don’t have time.” It’s a common refrain. (And excuse…) Yet, you control what you do with your time each day. To get more done, you need to cut out the frivolous activities eating up your time. Are you wasting half of your day?
Top 10 Tasks to Delegate to a Virtual Assistant
Tweet187ShareShare148335 Shares Do you need an extra set of hands at work? Maybe you should consider delegating some of your tasks to a virtual assistant. You might be surprised just how much time and effort you can save with a VA. Of course, the first question is, “What do I delegate to a virtual assistant?“
Email Is Not Your Job
Tweet247ShareShare380627 Shares Some days it seems like all you do is email. You get to the end of the day and you haven’t escaped your inbox. Are you stuck endlessly processing emails instead of getting work done?
10 First Steps to Make Your Dreams Happen
Tweet110ShareShare237347 Shares The first step is always the hardest, so they say. It’s the step that most people never take. They never begin, and thus by default, they can never finish. What first step do you need to take to make your dream happen?