Tweet52ShareShare2678 Shares You say you are going to do something big. Accomplish something truly great. Yet, you sit. And wait for greatness to happen. Your dreams are not going to come to you. And you have to play the game if you want to win. What are you waiting for?
Author: Craig
Stop Playing with Your Email and Get Serious About Your Inbox
Tweet85ShareShare54139 Shares Your email inbox is filling up. The message count is creeping up with each passing minute. You’re not doing much about it either. Maybe playing with a few messages and responding randomly to a few comfortable emails. If you want to get your inbox to zero, you are going to have to get serious […]
10 Times You Need to Press the Pause Button in Life
Tweet132ShareShare71203 Shares Do you find yourself rushing from task-to-task? You tell yourself (and others) that you don’t have time to get everything done. Or maybe, you are pushing past your limits…operating at 110% for weeks on end. It might be time to push the “pause button” so that you can catch up.
10 Tips to Keep Your Desk Clean, Organized & Productive
Tweet474ShareShare6361.11K Shares Is your desk a mess? Do you return to more clutter than you remember leaving in the first place? Don’t let your messy workplace impede your ability to get your work done. Here are 10 tips to keep your desk clear of clutter and ready for work.
5 Steps to Coming Up with Your Next BIG Idea
Tweet71ShareShare1687 Shares Where do great ideas come from? You would be led to believe that they just happen. That they just pop into existence. But, that’s not how BIG ideas happen. They take hard work, repetition, and rework. Here are 5 steps to help you come up with your next BIG idea.
5 Productivity Apps Your Business Isn’t Using, But Should Be
Tweet135ShareShare79214 Shares If you are like me, you are always on the lookout for new apps to help drive the productivity of your business. However, whenever you read the latest stories on must have apps, they always talk about the same usual suspects. Well, there is no Evernote or Dropbox on this list. Read on, for […]
7 Tips to Make Sure You Do Your Top Todo Today
Tweet101ShareShare32133 Shares You have a most important todo on your list. What is it? (Hint: Have you even looked at your list?) Name it. Choose it. Prioritize it. Make sure, that no matter what, you get your most important todo done… today.
7 Ways to Jump-start Your Work with a Rough Draft
Tweet61ShareShare3697 Shares You can’t seem to get that project started. It’s been sitting there. Maybe you are telling yourself that you’re not ready. Or that your idea isn’t good enough yet. Or you’re missing the needed resources. Those are all excuses. To jump-start your work, sit down and start your rough draft.
Big Goals: You Can’t Not Do the Work
Tweet44ShareShare751 Shares Big goals don’t do themselves. Dreams don’t become real on their own. If you want to accomplish big things in your life, you can’t not do the work. Will you do the hard work or simply hope for things to magically happen?
10 Tasks To Make You More Productive In Your In-between Time
Tweet186ShareShare81267 Shares You have a few minutes of unexpected down time. Do you make use of it? Or do you spend it surfing the news or playing Candy Crush? A secret of highly productive people is that they know how to make the most of their in-between time.