What Attitude Are You Bringing to Work Today?

Attitude_is_YoursAttitude is everything, so they say.

It has the power to lift you up. Or bring you down.

Ever had a day where your attitude determined the outcome of events? (Either good or bad…)

You may not be able to control the chaos of the day, the interruptions and unforeseen happenings that serve to disrupt your plans.

However, your attitude is the one thing you can control.

Adjusting Your Attitude is a Skill

Can you truly change your attitude just by thinking about it?

I believe you can.

You can choose to stay positive in the face of adversity. You can be happy even when things are not going your way. And you can continue to stay strong long after others have given up.

“Attitude is the will to determine your own course, path, and narrative through your day.”

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In essence, you get to choose the tone of the story of your day.

Having a positive attitude is a skill. The more your practice it, the more you control it.

Own Your Attitude

There are many things you may not get to choose in your day. However, your attitude is one that only you get to decide.

It’s your choice. It’s your attitude. Bring your best.

Ask yourself, “What attitude am I bringing to my day, right now?”

Question: Do you choose your own attitude or do you let life choose it for you? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

4 thoughts on “What Attitude Are You Bringing to Work Today?

  1. A perfect post to those who always tend to be sober and make us lose our temper as well. Attitude plays an important role in the productivity but we do have negativity surrounding us and fall victim. One major thing is the communication of the hierarchy, as they really do not care to work for, but yeah draw the salary every month. Their intentions creates a havoc.

  2. Sometimes, it would seem that life chooses our attitude–think everyday same scenarios you “hate” being caught up in. But that’s the catch; those situations should make your attitude stronger, but you have to decide first that you indeed want to make it stronger.

    We may be clouded with the everyday toxicity, but I think that’s the beauty in it. “And you can continue to stay strong long after others have given up”–I like this. Just be careful; you may not notice that you are already giving up. For example, if you give in to toxicity and become a toxic person yourself, I think that’d be a form of giving up.

    Above all, we need to rest. Great attitude can never be attained without having our body and mind rest.

  3. Dennis Conner Was the First Skipper in 132 Years to Let the America’s Cup Slip Into Foreign Hands. Branded a loser Connor won it back for USA overcoming a superior technically advanced Australian team.
    The secret to his success being simple in own words……ATTITUDE,ATTITUDE,ATTITUDE.
    Positive mental attitude results in Motivation which is the driver for the accomplishing of Objectives and Goals the striving for results in purposeful and meaningful life.

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