The Goal You Will Never Do

The Goal You Will Never Do

You have a BIG goal inside of you.

We all have one buried down deep in our minds. Something that we want to accomplish in our lifetime.

Yet, you probably haven’t done it. In fact, more likely, you haven’t even started it.

The question to ask yourself is, “Will you ever do your goal?”

Goals Never Done

In speaking with several individuals lately, there has been a recurring theme of goals “put off.”

  • A friend who has been trying to write a book since 1994.
  • A colleague who has wanted to get in shape for 10 years.
  • A client with a business idea that he has not pursued since 2001.

All of these make you wonder… When?

When did you first have your goal idea?
When are you going to start your goal?
When will you actually make it a success?

Does your BIG goal remain elusive? Neglected, until it fades into the past as just a dream?

Here are just a few reasons “Why You Will Never Do Your Goal:”

  • You Won’t Start – Whether it is a lack of motivation, knowledge, or drive, you simply won’t begin. And as I often say, “You can’t finish if you don’t start.
  • You’re Afraid of Failure – You may fail at your goal. That is life. But, you will always fail at those goals you never attempt.
  • Infinite Procrastination – You say you will do your goal later, when you have more time. But, you don’t have infinite time. None of us do. And you will run out of time if you forever procrastinate.
  • You Don’t Follow Through – Goals aren’t accomplished by half-efforts and lack of follow-through. Rather, they are done via determination, grit, and stick-to-it-ness. Do you have the guts to stay the course with your goal?

What Goal Are You Not Doing?

How long have you not been doing your goal?

Maybe it has been months. Years. Or even decades.

What will it take for you to actually do it?

And more importantly… When?

Question: How long have you been putting off your goal? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

3 thoughts on “The Goal You Will Never Do

  1. what do you do if you dont have a goal anymore? how do you find out what your goal could be? I’m floundering here…….

  2. We all have one buried down deep in our minds. Something that we want to accomplish in our lifetime.

    Yet, you probably haven’t done it. In fact, more likely, you haven’t even started it.

    The question to ask yourself is, “Will you ever do your goal?”

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