7 Top Time-Saving Tools for Streamlining Everyday Tasks

Helpful Tips

This is a guest post by James White. James works for Inbound Marketing Inc and in his free time blogs at InfoBros.

We’ve all been there. We work on a project and spend triple the time we thought we would to finish it. We’ve also all been privy to the effects of (and warnings about) procrastination. When you’ve tried every trick in the book for staying on-schedule, it’s time to make sure you’re using the right tools.

Here are my 7 Top Time Saving Tools for Streamlining Everyday Tasks:

1. Any.DO – In the world of to-do lists, there is no shortage of key players. You might be thinking, “Woah, can’t I just pull up a text-edit document for this?” Sure, you can. But with an app designed specifically for categorizing your tasks, you don’t need to shuffle things around yourself or be constantly looking at it. We like this option because it’s super simple with a bunch of different view and alert options. Try it out.

2. HoursTracker – Whether you’re freelance or you work full-time, hourly, it’s easy to forget which hours you were actually on the clock. This (free) app gives you the means to input your time worked (and link them to the hourly rate or the specific job you worked on). Not only is it easy to use, but it can help keep track of your finances before that paycheck comes in. The bonus? You almost always have your phone on you, so whenever you remember to log your hours, you can keep track of them here.

3. Tout – If you’re in the business of sending off tons of emails and find it pretty difficult to keep track of where your time and effort is actually succeeding, then this app is perfect. It works a lot like analytics for standard email marketing apps, but it’s more specifically designed for emails sent to sales leads. Link it up with Gmail and start adjusting and maximizing your email’s potential based on what type of messages your leads are responding to. It also saves you time, since all your emails will be prewritten. You simply have to choose which one you want to use, and make minor changes to fit that receiver.

4. SelfControl – SelfControl allows you to actually block certain websites. Taking a page out of restrictive IT departments, the app arguably reserves its use for strictly social media sites. Spend too much time on Facebook? How about Reddit? Download the app, restrict your sites and start focusing. Sometimes you need to be your own IT guy.

5. Your Bank’s App – It’s shocking how few people nowadays elect to bank electronically. Well, take it a step past your bank’s website and grab their app. This way, you can check your balances on the go and avoid that “I don’t know my account balance” overdraft fee. Most apps allow electronic transfers and deposits. This can quite literally save you time as you won’t need to go all the way to the bank to cash a check.

6. Just Landed – This one goes out to the business travelers and road-hardened explorers. Just Landed is an app that boils down your flight schedule and tells you when to leave and where to go. It’s a great way to never miss your flight, and you won’t need to take the time to look up all your information. Plus, their website is seriously gorgeous.

7. A Novel Idea – And finally, for creative types, we wanted to include an app to help you keep track of all your brilliant ideas. If you’re a writer, you know creativity never strikes in the same place twice. Make sure you have this app to jot down your ideas. The infrastructure also boasts functionality to help you spin out your ideas with storyboarding and plot planning. Think of it as the app version of the eureka light bulb.

These are some of my some of my favorite apps and widgets for streamlining everyday tasks. Using the right tools can make a big different in not just getting the job done, but getting it done efficiently and productively.

Question: What time-saving tools would you add to the list? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

11 thoughts on “7 Top Time-Saving Tools for Streamlining Everyday Tasks

  1. I had no idea there were so many options out there. Thanks for sharing. I’ll have to look into some of those.

  2. Good list of resources!

    I like Wunderlist as a to-do list manager. It is easier to use and it has more useful functions than Any.do.

    Evernote would be a good list candidate for an app that streamlines a lot of processes.

    Toggl for time tracking.

    Dropbox for sure. Especially if you have more than one computer or you manage staff.

    Asana if you have a team to work with.

    A second screen (not really a tool). This can save you a ridiculous amount of time if you do the majority of your work on the computer.

    LastPass for password management.

    Buffer for social media management.

    1. You just named off most of the tools on my list. 🙂

      LastPass, Buffer, Dropbox… not sure I would get things done without these.

      Things and Wunderlist are my favorite todo apps. I have used both in recent months.

      Asana is great… however, have recently moved my team to Trello for the better mobile experience. 🙂

      1. I am glad we are on the same page 🙂

        I actually did the opposite, switched from Trello to Asana a few months back and my team has been doing much better. The way things are organized in Asana just work better with my style, I guess. Plus, they have keyboard shortcuts and that is a killer feature for any tool that has to with productivity 🙂

  3. Frankly, I’ve never heard of any of these applications. It’s really great that you decided to present these solutions. I am currently using the application called Kanban Tool, both at work and at home. I use it as a to-do-list as well as a project management tool with real-time collaboration support. It is very universal and easy to customize.

  4. These days I am using proofhub (www.proofhub.com) project management tool to save my time and this tool is helping me and my team a lot.

  5. A good one that I’m using is Replicon http://goo.gl/yGF1mm , a cloud-based application. It works great for recording all our different projects and tracks how we’re spending our time. This time recording system is better replacement for the traditional time clock and time cards.

  6. Good resources for streamlining the everyday tasks. Tasks are the terms that are not acceptable without the time constraint defined within it. Specifically making the best use of the resources the tool that makes a better understanding of the overall tasks to be managed in a streamlined fashion makes it all the way better to be achieved. I like the cloud based hours tracking tool from Replicon ( http://www.replicon.com/olp/hours-tracking-software.aspx ) that keeps track of every single hour and manage it in a hassle free aspect in order to achieve the extreme level of success.

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