Can You Do The Impossible?

What have you done lately that was impossible?

What’s that you say?  Nothing?

Why not?

Um… because it is impossible.

But, then someone else does it.

And you think… why didn’t I do that?

How Do You Know It’s Impossible?

Have you ever had that happen at work?

You don’t do something because you assume that it can’t be done.

It’s not allowed.  It’s not possible.  It’s against policy.  (I hate this last one…)

Or maybe it’s simply, no one has ever done it.

“Impossible… hopeless…. infeasible… inconceivable… unachievable… unthinkable.”

I don’t think that word means what you think it does.

Have you ever considered why a particular task is impossible?

Is it…

  • because you don’t know how?
  • because you don’t have enough information?
  • because you don’t have a particular skill?
  • because you don’t have access to the right person?
  • because you haven’t tried?

Often, we give ourselves the excuse that, “Well if it was possible, then someone would have done it by now.”

On the other hand.  Maybe.  Just maybe… it’s because no one has tried to do it before.

How do you know?

Making the Impossible Easier

So how do you make the impossible just a little more doable?

  1. Get the Knowledge or Skills – Is lack of knowledge or skill preventing you from doing something?  This often happens in the workplace.  You may need to learn something new or develop a skill to do something you have not done before.  This is especially true in the case of promotions.
  2. Don’t Assume – Just because you think something is impossible, do not assume that it is not doable.  Often, where there is a will, there is a way.  You may just need to determine what you are willing to pay in time, cost, or effort to accomplish your goal.
  3. Ask!!! – And then keep asking.  Just because you have been told “No” does not mean you should stop.  (Kid are really good at this.)  Tim Ferriss related how it took him almost 30 tries to get his #1 NYT bestselling book “The 4-Hour Workweek” accepted by a publisher.  Would you have asked 30 times?
  4. Get Assistance – When faced with a difficult task, many people avoid getting help.  They want to tough it out by themselves.  However, what may be difficult for one person to accomplish, is suddenly attainable with teamwork or the combination of skills and ideas.  Don’t be afraid to seek assistance.
  5. Try and then Try Again – You won’t know until you try.  And you may be right… you cannot do it on your first try.  But, get back up.  Try again.  And then get up again.  And again.  Practice is the enemy of the impossible.

Doing the Impossible

What is stopping you from doing something?

It is because you are assuming at face value that it is impossible?  Not doable?

When people tell me something is impossible, I say maybe they just don’t know how to do it.

So, before you let the impossible stop you in your tracks… take a closer look.

Maybe with a little hard work and effort, the impossible can be that much closer to your reach.

What have you done lately that was considered impossible?  Do you let assumptions prevent you from accomplishing difficult tasks?

4 thoughts on “Can You Do The Impossible?

  1. Some good advice.

    To achieve the impossible I recommend starting out with the merely improbable. And I only consider something impossible when it clearly violates the rules of physics – which I view with a skeptical eye.

    It’s improbable that I could make a living as a writer, but I’m doing it. I was improbable that I could write and publish a book, but I’ve done it.

    Walking thru walls can’t be too far down the list.

    1. @cptnrandy Awesome Randy!

      Love the inspiration there. Many people “think” they cannot do something… yet they haven’t tried! 🙂

  2. Hi Craig

    Just came across your site and figured I’d join the conversation. Point #4 is a good one I cn improve upon…Ask and ye shall receive. Sometimes I struggle away and try to figure things out myself and waste a lot of time doing so. Today I was having trouble with some coding for a website of mine (I’m not a coder but like to pretend I am) so I posted my problem on a forum rather than trying to fix it myself and got a response with the correct answer in about 15 minutes.


    1. @carlmueller Love your example!

      Great example where you could have wasted a lot of time trying to figure something out… when all you had to do was ask!

      Thanks for sharing.

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