What Could You Do In a Year?

Today is an anniversary.  Sort of.

One year ago today was the first blog post I wrote online about TMN.

It wasn’t much.  Just a few quick thoughts.  (You can see it here.)

But, it was the start.  It was action.  And it got me going.

Often we talk about what we can get done today.

But, what could you accomplish in a year?

What Can Happen In a Year?

The TMN project started long before it went online.  It actually started as a book effort.  (Maybe it will be a book again someday.)

But, as with many endeavors, momentum and resistance kept me from getting it going.

I finally found that blogging would be a great bite-sized way for me to share the project.  So, I started.

I had some early struggles:

  • Staying on a consistent schedule
  • Learning the ropes of social media
  • Dealing with the technical aspects of setting up a website
  • Inital concerns about using my name on the blog

It was not a steady start.  It wasn’t until early 2010 that TMN really hit its stride.  But, I stayed the course… and some amazing things have happened over the past year:

  • TMN’s audience has grown from less than 10 to over 1200 Facebook fans. Almost 13000 Twitter followers.  I have watched as traffic went from nothing to growing exponentially.
  • I had the opportunity to learn from some of the current masters: Chris Brogan and Leo Babauta.  (I even got Chris to do a guest post for TMN… read it here.)
  • My first guest post was featured on Dumb Little Man.  Not a bad place to start. (See it here.)
  • I went from knowing nothing about social media to being sought out by people and businesses getting started.
  • I have made friends with many people around the world.  Their advice and support have been key to TMN’s success.

Where does it go from here?  I am not sure.  But, I cannot wait to see where I am next year.

What Could You Do In a Year?

So, I tell you all this… so that I can ask, “What could you do in a year?”

In a year you could:

  • Learn a New Skill – It is simple to start a hobby, but it takes time and practice to get good at anything.  In a year, you could take a new skill from zero to expert.
  • Get In the Best Shape of Your Life – People often want to see instant results from working out.  However, it it took years for you to get into the shape you are currently in, it is going to take time to change your condition.  In a year, you could be in the best shape of your life.
  • Change Careers to Something You Enjoy – Changing jobs does not happen overnight.  Changing careers can be much harder.  Sometimes, you need new skills.  Sometimes you have to consider steps back to move forward.  In a year, you could be in a new job and career that you enjoy.
  • Make a Difference – What cause have you wanted to support?  Or maybe it someone’s life that you wanted to positively impact.  What could your accomplish in a year’s time?

What’s Holding You Back?

So, what have you been resisting starting?  What is stopping you?

Start it today.  Commit.

There is some bad news:  It will not happen overnight.  Your progress will be slow.  It will not be easy.

But, in a year… you will be amazed at how far you have come.

Where could you be in a year?  What have you been resisting starting?

Related Posts:

The Best Of Time Management Ninja

Too Many Tools In Your Toolbox – TMN’s 1st Blog Post!

18 thoughts on “What Could You Do In a Year?

  1. Congratulations on your anniversary blog! Give yourself a great pat on the back for developing a new discipline of blogging and encouraging and inspiring others daily. I love your posts and they have boost my productivity.
    ps..I would “become a fan” on facebook but i've been convinced to stay off of it…;-)

  2. Its motivational… A year from now, my life could have changed dramatically if I decide so. And guess what… we all come with an “expiry date”. So we really need to “use before…”

  3. Well, congratulations and happy anniversary!
    Thanks for sharing all this ideas and experience with us!

  4. Awesome. I just started my own blogging journey, and have steeled myself for six to nine months of essentially talking to myself. It's good to see a one year retrospective- it's a unique view we don't often get.

  5. Congratulations! The fact that you made it a year and accomplished so much is proof you’ll keep going. I’ll be coming up on a year on my blog in September and your accomplishment is inspiration to kick it in gear!

  6. Hi, Craig; I’m a huge believer in the power of small actions taken over time. It’s one of the core philosophies my business was formed around, and I teach my clients to start marketing with only 10 minutes a day, if that’s all they can handle.

    You started with one blog post, a few hundred words. But by consistently working on your site and business, things look very different a year later. Congratulations!

  7. Hi Craig,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your accomplishments. You’ve built a great site and the following is well-deserved. It’s really motivating to see how you’ve done it. Congratulations! It’ll be interesting to see what the next year brings.

  8. Nice! You make an excellent point — progress shouldn’t be measured in nanoseconds. Yet, in our “instant” society, we seem to expect “instant” success as well.

    It’s something I have to remind myself of constantly as I word to reverse my Type 2 diabetes and regain my health. I didn’t definitely the diabetes overnight — I spent 50 years doing that! — and it won’t go away overnight either. But if I do enough of the right things consistently, for long enough, I will reverse it.

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