Tweet46ShareShare2571 Shares I want to share a story with you. It really struck a chord with me. It is a story about losing. Yet, at the same time winning. How can this be? Can you lose and win at the same time?
Month: April 2012
10 Ways to Be Smarter About Your Smartphone
Tweet136ShareShare58194 Shares Smartphones. They are supposed to make our lives easier. They are supposed to help us get things done. Yet, often they are a source of frustration and distraction. Is your smartphone making your day smarter?
Is Stress Destroying Your Productivity?
Tweet120ShareShare33153 Shares We all deal with stress from time to time. It is part of what we are, you could say it is part of our wiring. Yet, while stress can get us moving, it also directly impacts on our ability to be productive. How does your stress affect your work?
Do You Know Which Gear Your Life Is In?
Tweet3ShareShare3538 Shares How fast is your life going? Many individuals feel that they are going too slow. Some people think life is passing them by at an alarming rate. Others still are just cruising through life, unaware of their speed or destination. Sometimes, we need to take a moment and check just which gear our […]
Defending Your Time Without Sounding Like a Jerk
If you regularly read time management blogs, you probably already know the importance of standing up for your time – saying no when you’re overbooked, refusing to put out other people’s fire drills, avoiding the time traps of a standard office environment.
Ask Yourself These 10 Time Management Questions Today
Tweet117ShareShare74191 Shares Each day, we jump back into the hustle and bustle that is our lives. We focus so much on getting things done, that we often forget to question what we are doing in the first place. As you head into your day, here are some time management questions to ask yourself…
How the iPad Simplified Our Lives & 12 Devices It Has Replaced
Tweet56ShareShare1470 Shares Can you believe the iPad has only been out 2 years this month? Yet, the iPad has changed computing forever. The companies still in denial of that… well, they won’t be here much longer. It is also amazing how much the iPad has changed our lives in such a short time. It has […]
The Bliss of Airplane Mode
How many times have you sat down to get to work on a project, only to have the phone ring moments after you ‘got into your groove?’ Or closed your eyes for a quick catnap only to have a text message or email buzz through the haze?
How to Be Productive Where You Least Expect It
Tweet109ShareShare26135 Shares Is your productivity limited by where you are? Or are you able to be productive wherever you find yourself with downtime? Ironically, it has never been easier to bring your work and tasks with you. With smartphones, tablets, or even a good notebook, you can be productive almost anywhere.
The Top 12 Time Management Lies We Tell Ourselves
Tweet206ShareShare74280 Shares When it comes to time, we are all guilty of telling ourselves little white lies. Sometimes we tell big whoppers, too. I don’t have enough time… I’ll get to it later… maybe someday… What are you saying to yourself?