10 Things You Should Do This Weekend

You plan all week at work.

You diligently track your appointments, obligations, and todos.

But, the weekend is almost here!

Do you have plans?

Or do you turn off your organization and planning during your time off?

Let’s dedicate as much energy and effort to our personal lives as we do our professional ones.

Let’s make some weekend plans!

Do You Waste Your Time Off?

Is your time off spent in indecision, disorganization, lack of planning?

Are you organized only during your working hours?

Time management is not something you simply turn on and off like a light switch, rather it is a habit and lifestyle.

If you find that your time off is often gone before you know it was there, perhaps you need to put a little more effort into your personal life.

Sometimes we are diligent about getting things done at work, but not so intentional at living our personal time.

Do you plan your weekend? 

Or do you let it pass in a flash of disorganization and inactivity?

What do you do during your time off?

What’s On Your Weekend List?

Planning your weekend is not about having a military schedule of what you are going to do.

It is about making choices, having fun, and being conscious with the way you live.

You work hard at work. Make sure you work and play hard in your personal life.

Get the things done that you need to get done. Enjoy the off time that you have.

To that end, here are Ten Things You Should Do This Weekend:

  1. Clean Out Your Car – OK, we would be remiss if we didn’t spend some of our off time cleaning and organizing. For most people, their car is one of five areas of their life that need organizing. Spend just a few minutes cleaning up yours before the weekend fun begins.
  2. Something Special With Your Kids or Significant Other – When was the last time you had a date? Either a romantic one or simply a playdate with your kids? Plan a date with those that matter with you.
  3. Read Something – Yes, a book would be good. That one you have been meaning to get to. Reading relaxes our minds while stretching them at the same time. Fiction can be a great source of renewal and escape.
  4. Plan For Next Week – The weekend can be fun and by all means you should unplug from your work. However, you should also take a few minutes to plan the coming week. Look at your calendar, plan a few future tasks, and get ready for the week to come. A few minutes of advanced planning will save you much stress when the new week arrives.
  5. Something For Yourself – You have to be a little selfish with your personal time. Do something for you. What is your hobby that fuels your inner passion? It is important to take care of yourself first, so that you will have much more to give to others.
  6. Something For Someone Else – What can you do for someone you care about? Whether is it doing something special for a child or helping a friend move. Helping others builds relationships and let us give back to those that have helped us.
  7. Something You Haven’t Done Before – Are you stuck in rut? Do you always do the same routine? Do something spontaneous. Do something new. Do something that scares you or is uncomfortable. You might just have a blast and learn something about yourself.
  8. Review and Reflect – The weekend is a great time to pause and examine your status. Where have you been? Where are you going? Write in your journal. Plan your goals. Celebrate your accomplishments.
  9. Something Physical – Many of our daily jobs make us soft. Sitting all day in our offices.  Get out there and push yourself. Work out. Do something that works your body.
  10. Nothing Specific – Serendipity favors those who just do. Go see live music with friends. Go out to dinner. Stay in with family and play games. Do whatever you want, but make it a choice. The fun will follow.
Plan For the Weekend

Many people plan their work, but not their personal lives.

It is not about having a rigid itinerary for your free time.

Rather, it is about not neglecting your personal time.

Live your personal time as hard as you live your work life.

Do you plan your weekend?

10 thoughts on “10 Things You Should Do This Weekend

  1. By the time the weekend rolls around, it’s so easy to get caught up in lounging around. This is an excellent list of suggestions. Reading, reflecting, and connecting with my husband typically make the list. My next to incorporate will be doing things for other people. -Sarah

  2. By the time the weekend rolls around, it’s so easy to get caught up in lounging around. This is an excellent list of suggestions. Reading, reflecting, and connecting with my husband typically make the list. My next to incorporate will be doing things for other people. -Sarah

  3. Hey Craig,

    I usually work 6 days a week on my business. That leaves me with one day off. I take it easy, as I need the mental rest. But I’ll consider your suggestions for when I have the energy to do anything significant on those 7th days 😉


  4. Hey Craig,

    I usually work 6 days a week on my business. That leaves me with one day off. I take it easy, as I need the mental rest. But I’ll consider your suggestions for when I have the energy to do anything significant on those 7th days 😉


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