Tweet72ShareShare44116 Shares Do you have a project or goal that you have been putting off? We all have one. We tell ourselves that we will start it… when we have time. But, what’s stopping you? What’s in your way? Lack of initiative? Lack of resources? There is one thing that I can state with certainty. […]
Month: February 2011
How Much Would You Pay to Interrupt Me?
Tweet12ShareShare2335 Shares Interruptions are commonplace these days. Society continues to change at a rapid pace with the advent of smartphones and everywhere connectivity. In fact, most of us now carry our phones (and computers!) on our person at all times. Additionally, we have given the power to almost anyone to ring us whenever and wherever we are. Via […]
Don’t Waste Time Solving Problems Twice
Tweet64ShareShare76140 Shares Do you ever find yourself solving a problem and thinking, “I just did this last week!” It could be looking up those project numbers that you had previously. Or checking a phone number that you already used. How often do you solve a problem more than once? More often than you think. How […]
Why That Extended Deadline Is Not Your Friend
Tweet34ShareShare2862 Shares How do you deal with deadlines? Do you finish tasks on time? In the allotted time frame? Or are you usually late? And hoping for an extension? Deadline extensions seem to be the norm in most businesses. However, what many people do not realize is that extensions are not their friend. In fact, extending […]
Are You Living in Yesterday, Today, or Tomorrow?
Tweet28ShareShare1947 SharesAre you still working on yesterday? Are you so busy today that you can’t even think about the future? Or are you hopeless dreaming of a tomorrow that has not yet come? Which day are you living in? Yesterday? Today? or Tomorrow?
TMN Video: Sparrow Email Review
Tweet25ShareShare1237 SharesToday, I want to review a great new app called Sparrow. It is a new Mac mail client. What is so exciting about a new mail app? Well, it just gets mail done. Sparrow is simply the most efficient and effective mail client I have seen.
Can I Work During Your Meeting?
Tweet49ShareShare3483 Shares Has this happened at one of your meetings? A colleague shows up in hurried fashion, spreads their papers and laptop on the conference table and frankly states, “If it’s OK with you, I need to work through your meeting.” “Um. Actually no.” Huh? “Actually, it is not OK. If you have work to […]
Sometimes You Eat The Bear
Tweet29ShareShare2352 Shares Ever have one of those days? When nothing seems to go your way? Or something goes wrong in a big way? There is a old adage that says, “Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes the bear eats you.” Ever have one of those days… when the bear got you?
Does Your Job Need a Communications Contract?
Tweet26ShareShare2046 Shares Are you on call 24/7? Should you be expected to be? There are some jobs that require it. But in this day of cell phones, text messages, and more, should you be required to be on a technology leash? Do you have clear expectations and boundaries around your communications?
8 Things Email Is Good For
Tweet52ShareShare50102 Shares Email doesn’t get much respect these days. After all, it is the new snail mail. It takes up too much of most people’s time. It gets abused. It piles up. It wastes time. Yet, most businesses still live and die by email. So, it has to be good for something, right? The Power […]