Today has to be a good day.
After all, it is 10-10-10.
Since I was a kid, my favorite number has always been 10. (Came from my favorite baseball player’s jersey.)
Make Today a 10
So, today is a good day to reflect. A good day to act. A good day to do.
Make it a 10.
Here are 10 proactive things you could do today:
- Write Out Your Goals – Take time today to reflect on your goals. Write out your plan to make them happen. You don’t have to wait until New Year’s to make new resolutions. Today is always the best day to take a step closer to your goals.
- Workout – Get some exercise today. Many people say they “don’t have time” to workout. I find that exercising actually makes you more productive. You have more energy and momentum in all areas of your life.
- Connect – Today is a great day to connect or re-connect with someone that you have not spoken to in a while. Go see someone. Or call a family member or friend that you have been meaning to reach.
- Read a Book – When was the last time you read a book? (You don’t have to answer that out loud.) Sit down and read, if only for 20-30 pages. You might find yourself reading much longer.
- Learn a Skill – If you are not constantly learning, you will eventually find yourself behind in today’s fast-paced world. Learn a new skill to help you in your personal or professional life. The Internet makes it possible to learn almost anything from the comfort of your own home. You can find instructional videos on YouTube on almost any subject.
- Clean Something Up – Take care of that clean up project you have been meaning to get to. You know… the garage. The office. Wherever.
- Plan Your Week – It is always a good day to get ahead of your calendar and todo list. If you usually have a bumpy start to the work week, then use today to get ahead of what is coming your way this week.
- Have a Hobby – Exercise is good for building energy, and so are hobbies. What is your passion? Let your hobby bring you increased drive and productivity.
- Do Something You Wouldn’t Normally Do – We are all creatures of habit. We live in our comfort zones more than we would like to admit. Stretch your limits today by doing something outside your comfort zone.
- Recharge – Sundays are great days to relax. Many of us run at full tilt too often. Give yourself a break. Relax. Take a nap on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
What are you going to do on 10-10-10?
photo credit woodleywonderworks
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If you’d like a tool for managing your time and projects, you can use this web-application inspired by David Allen’s GTD:
You can use it to manage and prioritize your goals, projects and tasks, set next actions and contexts, use checklists, schedules and a calendar.
Comes with a mobile version too, and with an Android app.