Taking Time To Make Time

Is it possible to make time?

The other day while discussing “5 Ways That Your Time Management Is Broken,” I made the point that…

“Time Management is suppose to make time, not take time.”

My point was that many time management systems are too complex and actually take up more time than they are worth.

However, there are many things we do that take time, but in the end, actually make more time for us later.

Sounds counter-intuitive.  How can spending some of your time create more time for you later?  But, by investing our time, we can receive time dividends down the road.

Taking Time to Make Time

There are many activities we do that are time investments.  Some of them take a non-trivial amount of time to do, yet they ultimately bring more time to our lives.

Which of the following do you do?

Workout – Many people say that they don’t have time to work out.  Ironically, working out is one of the best time investments that returns time to your life.  It gives you energy.  It keeps you in shape.  And it gives you a positive attitude.  When I arrive to an 830AM meeting and have already done a 4 mile run that morning, I feel empowered!

Shop Online – Wait, how is shopping going to save me time?  Shopping online is one of the smartest things you can do.  It dramatically saves time and money.  Why run around town wasting time and money, when you can get it 30% cheaper and delivered to your door?  Amazon.com and other online stores are a powerful way to make more time and money.

Be Early – Being early to appointments and in finishing projects saves you time.  You might think that being early costs you those extra minutes, but those few minutes can be some of the most productive of your day.  And keeping yourself out of crisis mode will also save you time and stress.

Prepare – Having a plan is one thing.  Actually, preparing for your day is another.  Most people do not take time for this habit.  But, preparing for your upcoming tasks and appointments allows you to perform them more efficiently.  When was the last time you walked into a meeting having done pre-work and read all the related materials?  Makes for a much quicker meeting.

Read – How does reading make time?  After all, reading can be a serious time investment.  However, it can pay you back many times over if it helps you do your job more efficiently or teaches you a new skill for your personal life.  What have you learned from a book lately?

These are just a couple of my quick thoughts on making time. What are some of the things you do that make more time?

Related Posts:

5 Ways That Your Time Management Is Broken

Why Ninjas Shop At Amazon.com

Why Don’t You Finish Early

7 thoughts on “Taking Time To Make Time

  1. Working out literally returns time to your life, in that it will make you live longer. More years = more time.

  2. Truth: No matter what anyone 'SAYS' about not having time – People always have TIME & MONEY what for they view as important. So, if you ran out of time, it's because you spent that time doing something that was more important to you – even if that other thing was simply wasting time. 🙂

    We all do what we want [some would label it, “what we HAVE to do”] based on how we prioritize our STUFF – and even if we are talking about a situation where money is very tight, people spend what money they have on those things they view as highest importance.

    When I owned a Fitness Spa, many people would stand in front of me with fancy clothes, fake nails, processed hair, holding a $5.00 Starbucks while trying to talk their way out of a $50/month contract saying “I can't afford it…[and]…I don't have time to workout…” Reality was – in that moment, they were telling me that working out was not their priority on both fronts of time and money.

    I'd always smile and say the same thing…

    You always have time and money for what you view as important. It would always be very enlightening for them.

    Unfortunately, this runs true for friendships and relationships too….just think on that for a moment… 🙂

  3. Truth: No matter what anyone 'SAYS' about not having time – People always have TIME & MONEY what for they view as important. So, if you ran out of time, it's because you spent that time doing something that was more important to you – even if that other thing was simply wasting time. 🙂

    We all do what we want [some would label it, “what we HAVE to do”] based on how we prioritize our STUFF – and even if we are talking about a situation where money is very tight, people spend what money they have on those things they view as highest importance.

    When I owned a Fitness Spa, many people would stand in front of me with fancy clothes, fake nails, processed hair, holding a $5.00 Starbucks while trying to talk their way out of a $50/month contract saying “I can't afford it…[and]…I don't have time to workout…” Reality was – in that moment, they were telling me that working out was not their priority on both fronts of time and money.

    I'd always smile and say the same thing…

    You always have time and money for what you view as important. It would always be very enlightening for them.

    Unfortunately, this runs true for friendships and relationships too….just think on that for a moment… 🙂

  4. I wake up at 5:00am. 🙂 And I try to plan my days in a more realistic manner.

  5. 1. Get up early.
    2. Work to a limited list of tasks each day.
    3. Focus 100% on whatever task is to be done.
    4. Delegate as much as is reasonably possible.

  6. 1. Get up early.
    2. Work to a limited list of tasks each day.
    3. Focus 100% on whatever task is to be done.
    4. Delegate as much as is reasonably possible.

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