Tweet2ShareShare1921 Shares Did you take any of your vacation time yet this year? If not, chances are that you are well on your way to not taking all of it. Over a third of the U.S. population regularly does not take all their vacation days each year. As much as people complain about their job, […]
Time Management
Phoning It In From Down the Hall
TweetShareShare33 Shares Remote workers are very commonplace these days. In fact, some companies operate entirely with virtual teams. Technology has allowed us to collaborate in new ways from conference calls, to video chat, to online webinars. It is not uncommon to have a meeting with participants in 3 or 4 timezones. But, what happens when this is taken too […]
Eliminating the Clutter in Your Appointments
Tweet3ShareShare2023 Shares Is your calendar a mess? Is it as cluttered as your desk or other areas of your life? Too many appointments. Perhaps, ones that overlap to the point that your calendar looks like a Tetris game board. Today, we’ll discuss how to take control of your appointments and get rid of that clutter on your calendar. […]
Can You Turn Off Your Work?
Tweet41ShareShare1152 Shares We are a society that is bad about turning off work. We seem to have let it take over our lives. Even when we are not at the office, most are tethered by a technology leash. When was the last time you turned off work? Maybe it was the weekend. Maybe you went on […]
Habits: You Are What You Do Today
Tweet75ShareShare2095 Shares How often do you tell yourself, “I am going to do it tomorrow?” Or when you get around to it. But, tomorrow never comes. It is what you do today that matters. What if I told you that what you did on this very day would define who you are? Would you do things differently? Tomorrow […]
My Best Advice From June
TweetShareShare44 Shares Wow, can you believe that June is already over? Even more impressive… the year is half over… are you? Best of June Taking a look back at June , here are a few of my best posts… 10 Ways to Save Time with Evernote Do You Dream of Quitting Your Day Job? How […]
When You Can’t Do Big Things, Do Little Ones
Tweet94ShareShare17111 Shares Sometimes you just can’t get the big things done. At least, not right now. Life puts things in your way. Or other people hold you back. But, don’t give up. Don’t get frustrated. When you can’t do the big things, instead, do the little ones. Sometimes You Don’t Get to the Big Ones There […]
Why Your Meetings Are Not Working
TweetShareShare77 Shares 1. No agenda. 2. No preparation. 3. Not enough lead time. 4. Not the right environment. 5. Too long. 6. The wrong people. 7. No decisions made. 8. No follow through. Which of these describe your meetings?
7 Ways to Regain Your Balance
TweetShareShare2929 Shares It happens to the best of us. We lose our balance. Maybe we trip. Maybe we take a small spill. When this happens to you, how do you get back on your feet? How do you get your balance back? Losing Your Balance When was the last time your lost your life balance? […]
How to Get Your Priorities on Track
TweetShareShare2020 Shares How are your priorities doing? Do you know what they are? Which of them come first in your life? It’s time to get your priorities on track. And to get that train moving down the tracks towards your goals. Getting Your Priorities Lined Up The other day I was faced with deciding […]