Tweet405ShareShare397802 Shares Do you value your time? You may say you do. Yet, your actions and behavior convey a different message. You let others schedule, interrupt, and otherwise squander it at will. If your time is such a precious resource, why do you let others take it freely?
Time Management
31 Ways Your Meetings Are Inefficient
Tweet170ShareShare339509 Shares Meetings are one of the biggest time wasters in most companies. Yet, much of this pain is self-inflicted. Poorly run meetings lead to wasted time, de-moralized employees, and loss of productivity. Are meetings in your company run efficiently?
Saying Yes Requires Saying No First
Tweet94ShareShare253347 Shares Have you ever wanted to say yes to a request, but couldn’t because of your current obligations? You wanted to say yes. But, you were already overbooked. Frustratingly, when you examine the items you are bogged down with, they are less important that the one you want to say yes to. To prevent this situation, […]
To Get More Done, You Need to Do Less
Tweet15ShareShare113128 Shares You try to do it all. Often, that leads to many things started and nothing done. Or you don’t get to your most important work, because you are busy doing everything else. If you want to get more done, you need to do less in your day.
Spend Less Time Making Decisions and More Time Owning Them
Tweet100ShareShare58158 Shares “Where do you want to go for lunch?” “I don’t know. Where do you want to go?” “I don’t know. Wherever you want.” “I don’t care.” This conversation happens too often. If you can’t make simple decisions, how are you going to make the tough ones?
Stop Reading Your Email and Start Acting On It
Tweet97ShareShare93190 Shares When you open your inbox what do you see? Probably the same messages that were present the last time you opened your email app. The emails that you glanced at, but then left in your inbox. If you are going to look at your email, make sure you do something with it.
How Early is Early Anyway?
Tweet77ShareShare101178 Shares We all know the “late rush.” It’s not fun. Hurrying to that next meeting. Driving too fast to an appointment. Or even doing less than your best work on a deliverable that is now overdue. When was the last time you were early? To a meeting? With a deliverable? Or reaching a goal? You might […]
Brag About What You Are Not Doing
Tweet105ShareShare41146 Shares You spend lots of time bragging about the things you do, whether they are big or small. (In fact, some people seem to do more bragging than doing.) Yet, just as important are the things that you choose not to do. What are you not doing that you can brag about?
Why You Need One Place for Your Notes
Tweet121ShareShare48169 Shares Ever go looking for something you wrote down, but you just don’t know where you wrote it down? Taking notes is crucial to your productivity, however you need to be consistent in where you take those notes. To minimize your efforts, you need a notebook. In fact, what you need is one place […]
31 Days, 31 Ways to Better Time Management
Tweet53ShareShare1568 Shares I often get asked for time management advice, coaching, and training. Many of those asking often say that they don’t have time for time management. To address that need, I am pleased to announce my new online TMN time management course.