7 Ways to Regain Your Balance

It happens to the best of us.

We lose our balance.

Maybe we trip. Maybe we take a small spill.

When this happens to you, how do you get back on your feet?

How do you get your balance back?

Losing Your Balance

When was the last time your lost your life balance?

Maybe you forgot a major appointment. Or todo.

Perhaps, you failed at something.

Your life seemed to take a bad turn. Like a twisted ankle.

“We all lose our balance at some point.

What’s important is finding your footing again.

And getting back on your feet.”

How do you get back in the groove?

Finding Your Footing

When life throws you a curve, or you simply loose track of where you are at, sometimes you need to take action to get things back on the level.

Here are 7 Ways to Regain Your Balance:

  1. A Positive Attitude – Don’t underestimate the power of positive attitude. Sometimes that is all it takes to turn a bad situation in to a good one.
  2. Focus on Task #1 – When you are down and need to get back on track, determine what is the one thing that will have the greatest impact on getting you back on your feet. Focus on Task #1 and everything else will start to fall back into place.
  3. Know Your Priorities – What got you off balance in the first place? Perhaps, it was because your priorities were not in line. If your daily actions are not aligned with what matters most, then you are bound for trouble.
  4. Get Your Day Started Right – Sometimes balance is all about starting out on the right foot. Are you starting your day on the right footing? It can make all the difference.
  5. Prepare vs. Plan – Planning for your day is good, being prepared for your day is better. Preparation allows you to better react and regain that balance. Do your homework before the day starts.
  6. Plan B – When things don’t go as planned,  you need to have a back up plan. What is your Plan B?
  7. Know Your Load – One of the most common reasons that people lose their balance is because they are unaware of just how much they are carrying. Do you know your load? Make a list of all of your obligations. It will aid you in being aware of everything you are trying to balance.

Balancing the Load

It happens. You trip. You lose your footing.

Things get out of balance and you feel like you are out of control.

Maybe you forgot something important. Or you are just worn out.

Whatever the case, what’s important is that you find your footing again.

Take a moment to regroup, and soon your balance will return.

When was the last time you lost your balance? How you do get things back on track?

5 thoughts on “7 Ways to Regain Your Balance

  1. Craig, when I’m off balance, I’m undoubtedly not going to the gym and exercising. I’m not sure if consistent exercise leads to balance in my life, or balance in my life leads to consistent exercise (or maybe it’s both), but either way, going to the gym is key for me. Once I’m back on the daily morning grind, I’m good.

    I think your number 2 suggestion is so critical, and everyone needs to find their anchor activity that will allow everything else to fall into place. And if they haven’t yet, my suggestion: make it exercise.

  2. Craig, when I’m off balance, I’m undoubtedly not going to the gym and exercising. I’m not sure if consistent exercise leads to balance in my life, or balance in my life leads to consistent exercise (or maybe it’s both), but either way, going to the gym is key for me. Once I’m back on the daily morning grind, I’m good.

    I think your number 2 suggestion is so critical, and everyone needs to find their anchor activity that will allow everything else to fall into place. And if they haven’t yet, my suggestion: make it exercise.

  3. I seem to balance all the time, and it only takes a breeze to make me tumble. I would like to learn how to maintain a foundation and keep the balancing on a permanent basis. How can this be achieved on a more permanent level?

  4. It permits us to work from anywhere. It allows us to respond instantly to questions. And to collaborate in ways never before possible.

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