5 Tips to Keep Focus on Your BIG Goal

Focus on Your BIG Goal

You have a BIG goal. One that represents your hopes and dreams. A goal that defines you and your passion.

Internally, you think of it constantly. Yet, taking action never seems to happen. You put off your BIG goal, until you doubt if you will ever do it.

What’s keeping you from getting to it?

Lack of Focus Leads to Procrastination

You know what your BIG goal is and what you want to accomplish, but you seem to “infinitely procrastinate.”

I’ll work out tomorrow.
I’ll start my website next month.
Maybe I’ll switch jobs next year.

The reason you aren’t making progress is that you don’t have focus. Your BIG goal isn’t receiving enough of your time and attention, and thus, you keep putting it off.

Sustained focus is what it will take to make your dream a reality.

Here are 5 Tips to Keep Focus on Your BIG Goal:

  1. Do It FirstEarly gets it done. Work on your goal before you start your day. This could mean getting up early to write your book, or going to the gym before going to work.
  2. The Right Tools – Having the right tools for the job increases your chances of success. For example, if you are going for a run, buy running shoes. If you are a writer invest in some writing software.
  3. Make it the Main Thing – Focus is all about making your goal the main thing in your life. It needs to be “front and center” in your daily activities. Keeping it visible, leads to action and avoiding life’s interruptions and happenings from pushing it aside.
  4. Every Day – You need to work on your BIG goal every single day. Yes, every single day. You already think about it daily, but you need to do something daily. Goals are accomplished through consistent repeated actions.
  5. Get Help – Keep your goal on track by getting assistance from a coach or trusted advisor. A coach can provide accountability and tips to accelerate your progress and determination.

Bring Focus to Your Goal

We all have a BIG goal. Yet, few people actually do anything about it.

Focus is the key to success.

Make sure you keep focus on your BIG goal each and every day.

Question: How do you keep focus on your BIG goal? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

5 thoughts on “5 Tips to Keep Focus on Your BIG Goal

  1. Focus is so important. It is easy to fall into the trap thinking we need a goal for every single aspect of our lives. We wind up with so many goals nothing is important.

  2. State your goal publicly. Share with trusted friends and appeal to them to check in regularly for evidence of progress.

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