Get Yourself Off the Bench and Get In the Game

Sitting on the bench

You say you are going to do something big.

Accomplish something truly great.

Yet, you sit. And wait for greatness to happen.

Your dreams are not going to come to you. And you have to play the game if you want to win.

What are you waiting for?

Waiting for Greatness to Come

Saying you are going to do something, doesn’t make it happen.

Waiting for the perfect time only ends up wasting time.

Complaining doesn’t get anything done and only slows your progress.

Those that sit on the sideline never win the game. In fact, they aren’t even playing the game.

The bottom line is that you have to get off your rear, and take action. You have to risk setbacks in the name of progress.

Not every step will be a forward one. But, if you don’t move at all, you are guaranteed to be idle, and to be left behind by those in motion.

So, get off the bench and get in the game.

What Do You Have to Lose?

Many people don’t act for fear of making mistakes or losing something.

Yet, you lose all of the opportunities that you don’t take.

You can’t get a new job if you don’t write your resume and interview.
You won’t get that promotion if you don’t do the work.
You won’t find a new relationship if you don’t take the first step.

Here are 5 Ways to Get Yourself Off the Bench and In the Game:

  • Don’t Wait for the Coach to Put You In – If you are waiting for the coach to “put you in the game,” you could be waiting a long time. Instead, put yourself in the game. Step up and take chances where appropriate. Always be your own biggest fan.
  • Make Your Own Game – If opportunities are not readily available, make your own. If your perfect job doesn’t exist, then create it. Even in a corporate environment, you can often redefine your job by taking on your own domain and mission.
  • Start Today, Not Tomorrow– The word “Today” cannot be said enough. Promising that you will begin tomorrow doesn’t accomplish anything. Take a step, even a small one, today. Then tomorrow, repeat.
  • Abide by the Rules, Then Make your Own – It is reckless to think that you can ignore all the rules. That usually doesn’t work out too well in the end. However, that doesn’t mean you should constrain yourself by old rules and paradigms that don’t make sense anymore. Make your own rules especially when it comes to how you conduct your personal behavior.
  • Don’t Quit Early – Too many people who are playing the game give up before the finish line. Or before the time limit is up. Don’t stop early. Often, those whose are successful simply didn’t give up when others had already quit.

Get Yourself in the Game

As I like to say, “You can’t finish if you don’t start.”

And in this case, you can’t win if you don’t play.

No one is going to simply give you your dreams.

Get yourself off the bench. Get in the game.

And make something happen today.

Question: What do you need to get off the bench and do today? You can leave a comment by clicking here.


5 thoughts on “Get Yourself Off the Bench and Get In the Game

  1. Excellent post. The one I preach the most is, Start Today. Even if it’s just baby steps to get you to a bigger goal. I’m also a fan of the big audacious just step out there and do something new approach, if finances permit. I will also say this, if you do go out there and do something awesome, you WILL lose something. For me that was living off a TINY income, while being married and having a kid. Great things, take sacrifice, but are possible if you don’t cling to fear.

  2. If you wait until tomorrow, tomorrow will never come. You just have to get yourself used to doing it, and regularly.

  3. I particulary liked your advice, “Take a step, even a small one, today. Then tomorrow, repeat.” It’s the small daily steps that get you where you want to go. Thanks for a great post.

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